The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 3 - Cats and Dogs... and Horses

continuous orgasms had wracked her mind, and left nothing but the desire for more. fortunately, the designers had predicted that.

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First Impressions Chapter 17.

Her throat was getting sore from her diaphragm's constant feral yip, but she could no more control it than she could the twenty odd minutes she had been in continuous orgasm.

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The Bottom Peg

The softening of a smaller knot made for an easier time pulling away: james was already loose enough that he could have slipped out of saul, but feeling the inner grip of saul's continued orgasm was a pleasure too great to slip away from.

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Worm Thing 2

It disappeared within seconds, but james felt every inch of it as it opened him, and it felt amazing; it felt like a continual orgasm, a continual stream of cum flowing through him. hands gripped his length and began to stroke.

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Skyworld Act 2

. \*\* _'i'm dying,'_ cika thought, her mind in an absolute fog of nearly continuous orgasms that rolled through her as kanda har's immense shaft plumbed her depths, _'because nothing...nothing is supposed to feel this good!'

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Temple of the Bloody Dawn Cult

There was only the continuous orgasm, and then, suddenly, a feeling like liquid fire rushing inside her. the scorching-hot cum filled her womb, prevented - for now - from rushing out by the engorged knot.

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Temple of Bloom (5 to 9)

This time, however, shi was being roughly shoved in one direction only, apparently in time with hir continued climax. ~yay!

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At the same time, sweetie belle's tongue was continuing the assault on her cunny - less skillfully than the previous occupant, perhaps, but still plenty enough to make her convulse in repeated, seemingly-continuous orgasms, aroused beyond all measure.

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Tales from the Nexus: The Candy Man

Both men stood in the same position for a whole five minutes, not truly conscious but just riding the storm of pleasure that their continuous orgasm had created.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 4 - The princess of the North

The two lost the conception of the time, fucking furiously for hours, heedless of the risk, she calling him by now not with his name or with his legendary title, but simply as hers god and him fucking furiously her, feeling hers continue orgasms, hearing hers

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Profile of Drake Hellblazer Harkonen

Ignoring the tigress's cries, which were now ones of fear mixed with pleasure from her still continuing climax, drake, with a look of rage in his crimson eyes, asked what in the hell greg, a recent widower, was doing here fucking what is presumably a forbidden

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The Trial But With Pig TF

Slowly, the pleasure receded after nearly twenty minutes of continuous orgasm. she hoped she'd be rendered completely batshit insane, never having to worry about human worries again, but she feared that sapient thought was slowly returning.

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