Me, That's Who, With A Few Caribou

The next morning i made a few checks on some of the animals under treatment for various ailments and then went out and about in the zoo. donner was in the area being used for santa photos, and the moment she saw me, she went into a little happy dance.

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Aura - Part One

Next, the second license test had placed me in emergency situations where i was directed to point out the sicknesses, ailments, along with injuries of each presented pokemon.

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Chapter 1: Cielo's Secret Part 3

A doctor and his office must be a safe place somepony can come without worry of any persecution or ridicule for ailments or diseases," he replied in a soft tone.

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Universe of Conflict-Chapter Three

He groaned distracted from his ailments. "well?" "y-yes, i am scared of the d-dark" his voice almost went silent for he could only whisper...he felt he was about to die.

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Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 5

Luna had her own reasons, she was sure, but love wasn't an ailment that infected this princess when it came to discord and she was going to enjoy getting revenge on his treatment of pony-kind for the pride of her fellow fillies.

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Friends and Bob Demeaned (Original 2006 Version)

As what worked best for this ailment was the keeping of his legs as insulated as possible, he wearing two or three layers of long underwear, morning, noon, and at night.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirty Eight

If you have an ailment or an illness, come forth and be healed!" with a gasp, adlis' hand reflexively shot to her ear, nearly knocking her hat askew. "kulgan," she whispered, "i have an idea." turning, the ranger gave her a long, concerned look.

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Poor Bob Demeaned (Re-Posted)

As what worked best for this ailment was the keeping of his legs as insulated as possible, he wearing two or three layers of long underwear, morning, noon, and at night.

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The Young Mage

I can detect illnesses and ailments even without my horn."

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A dragons Judgement, and a healers test

The dark magic had seeped into her, causing all sorts of ailments. i thought she was getting better, but looking at her now, i was wrong. "ymithia, help me lift her. cyndrithil, you're gonna carry her to her room. it's right next to ymerc's!"

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Tattooed Love Boys [COM]

Frank searched the web for any clues to his sudden ailment as rapidly as if he had a school assignment due in an hour.

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The Forest; Rise of the Nymphomaniac.

She was no doubt able to overcome her female ailment should the need arise, but if he could take the focus off of patio, the mouse could sneak the princess out to the perch, and call for the falcons.

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