My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 30
I came here to apologize for being selfish after i'd accidentally leaved you alone in fuji!" ashton shouted. "kelly-kun, i'm so sorry what i did to you. i really am." "didn't you apologized at webcam chat?" "it wasn't worth it.
The Tide of Bigger Things chapter 2
"you ,being the nice rat you are are going to apologize to me." i hesitated a moment. "i'm sorry?" i slowly drew out. "oh no no no, it's not that easy. you have to earn my acceptance of said apology. i'm sorry!" he childishly squealed."
Collar 3 -- Self Discovery
"when he apologizes, i accept it, just as he accepts my apologies to him. we make mistakes. we apologize. we go on. that's how we handle our bad choices." "false choices," said fletcher.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 31
I apologized profusely and asked if he was now satisfied.
In-Between Ch. 2
He asked as simply as stating that i had no reason to apologize. "ugh...i don't know, just wanted to apologize. and i wanted to talk to you..." "not interested...there's nothing to talk about. if there's anything else you wish to say, keep it short."
Death To Nightmare Chapter 3
"i....i wanted to apologize to you." "what for, surely you didn't have anything to do with me having this body or being here?" "i did not. but i ignored your dream and the guards reported that you had a nightmare.
Ch 24
I apologize again how long it took for this chapter to come out. and i also apologize if this chapter seems short for any reason. oh, well.
[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 2)
I've never met someone who's ever apologized to me before." i said happily. "let alone after a situation like that." "i want to apologize too. i'm really sorry for drenching your shirt in coffee." i said in a low voice.
Going Against the Demons: Part 2
Most of the others won't apologize...yet. i'll talk to them. what you said yesterday...i wouldn't have thought diferently unless you did. i thank you as well for such a speech." she walked back into the croud and seven others apologized as well.
MG1) Chapter 2: Awakenings
And, once more, i apologize for what i have done to you." "there's.... not really any need to apologize." lucas replied, "i kinda like being like this!" "you will not be able to see anyone you've ever loved."
Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 1
"well, aren't you going to apologize?" he asked her in a bored tone. madi gave him an odd look. he couldn't be serious... apologize for what? "apologize for what exactly? i've done nothing wrong!" she told him coldly.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 22
"my apologies, kelly, i'm sorry." tappei-san apologized soberly. "did i really carried you like a baby?" tatsuki shamefully said. "i'll accept the apology \*hic\*." i said while sitting on a chair. i feel dizzy. i could not stop the hiccups. "oohh...