Hearthswarming Feast (MLP, Soft Vore, Digestion, Disposal)
It made it all the easier for the changeling queen to slip into pinkie's reserved café, a small crystal building tucked away in the more hidden back roads.
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 15. Distraction
When the flames cleared, catbug was gone, and a changeling queen with red eyes was now standing there, grinning evilly at them all."fooled you!"
Broken by the Changelings: Part Three
Not anypony else, just the changeling, the changeling queen.
Antecedent 10
Raindrop looked back and forth between the two changeling queens. they looked like a mirror image. "i... but..."
Transcend - Part 5
A low laugh rumbled from the changeling queen's throat, before she called back to the princess; "you think i am scared of your precious elements of harmony?! i will never surrender!"
Dragon's Fire on Queen's End
Shouted the changeling queen, stamping a foot on the ground and holding her head low, aiming her horn directly at the dragon "you have no right to stand in the way of this world's rightful queen!
My little Pony: Guardians of Equestria pt. 9
I gave a small yawn, it was late and i truly wished to sleep, but then, the changeling queen spoke. "i have a few questions for you," i looked over, i'm sure sleep could come later.
My little Pony: Guardians of Equestria pt. 10
Maybe i could start to be...least colorful with my words about the changeling queen. she and i do have a foal together, and even twilight goes out of her way to talk to her at times.
Band Changelings Part 2
#2 of band changelings queen chrysalis has a plan to attack the crystal empire again, but this time as a marching band!
My Little Pony: To Love a Queen ch.1
"for her changelings," why was she so bent on defending this changeling queen, ether way, she did make some good points.
My Little Pony: Guardains of Equestria pt 2
Soon the changeling queen showed up once more, but to side along side to fight darkness, for she needed love in order to live as well as her subjects.
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 20. Fallen Idol
From how her body was lying limp and completely still, not even breathing, and how her eyes were still open as if staring off into space, they could tell the changeling queen was dead."y-you killed her!"