Gamer Girl

I am the weapon that watches from a distance and then crash lands into the midst of trouble before the criminals can get away with their evil. sometimes i am ompatient and prefer to go in full steam ahead.

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the bad news

landed into her. aleu lifts her head rubing it with her paw giving boris that you can fly now?????.

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World war VI: classified

landed in the middle of toronto, we don't know what they are but some sort of creatures came out of it and started attacking innocent civilians, we suspect they are looking for something, and if they are it is our duty to find whatever is before they do,

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Fiery Twilight Chapter 1

Her voice was tinged with irritation, understandable considering that someone's crash landing interrupted her sleep.

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D.E1 Chapter 26 Blood Sands

The two mysterious creatures that crash landed in the deserted planet miraculously made it alive. but they now face a deadly challenge, as they find themselves lost in the foreign planet.

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We have crash landed on a world i dont know the friggen grid location, all i know is that i am the only survivor overlord! do you copy?!" mil yelled into the com... no response. "aghhhh! im going to die here?!" mil yelled to no one in particular.

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We have crash landed on a world i dont know the friggen grid location, all i know is that i am the only survivor overlord! do you copy?!" mil yelled into the com... no response. "aghhhh! im going to die here?!" mil yelled to no one in particular.

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She Really is the Beta on the Beach

Ever since my ship crash landed on this planet, i've been trying to find some help." she... was from the stars it seems. that would certainly explain her foreign appearance. it also makes her an even more tantalizing prize.

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Super Smash Half-Brothers?

"hmm... that explains my crash-landing... why the wacky physics, though?" "well... it's so we can take all sorts of damage and injury without dying." "so, you said you've done this before?" the older fox asks.

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Scy and the Inbo

"yes i do, and i need a new ship, i have crash landed." scy didn't like to say 'crash landed' at first, but now he was glad he did. things might of been different if he didn't. scy heard a jet sound.

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"Family Tails" - Preface

Only, this time, it's not genetically engineered aliens from another world that have crash landed and are trying to find a place as "newcomers", but rather our own race developing sentient beings from current animal life.
