Humiliation Stream Story 4: Controlling the Field

They were powerful enough to hold bigger and stronger things than a human with a magic sword in place. mewtwo floated up until they were face to face.

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TGBC Character sheet

Species: hybrid(snow tigerwolf) age: 15 gender: male abilities:fire magic, wolf magic, sword skills and torture skills. gobal radar description: junior as he is called by everyone was the first son between lallah and jacob senior.


Realms of Fantasy 9: Drinks And Some World Building

Katt struggled to find the appropriate word and settled for just motioning at the virtual world of magic, swords and anthropomorphic women around us before continuing. "well, all this."

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 10

Nightmare kicks celestia away and gets back on her hooves and summons a magic sword. celestia responds with her own. _\_nightmare's growl was more at her rider than celestia.

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Lowell's Cave Adventure.

The short story of a weak wolf, who finds out that with a little help, becoming strong is just one magic sword away. for all his days lowell resides in his quiet village in the middle of dachaigh valley, living the life of a blacksmiths son.

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An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 2

Acting as his shields they blocked strike after strike from the magical sword. in a burst of energy he pushed back against the attacker, flinging him backwards and sliding through the snow once more.

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Armed with a magic sword and a mirror shield, the brave adventurer stepped forth into the cave. nothing happened, surely some manner of trap meant to lure the bold hero into a false sense of security. no, that wouldn't happen here. not to hally.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 21

Pointy ears shot high to the sky, fur bristled in their wake, he raised the magical sword before his eyes, eyes moving onto the locked fist, once again he wanted to open his grip. his fingers didn't move. "what is this cyril?"

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Heroes of Alteria Chapter 4: Mining for Trouble

"you mean with your magical sword friend? i highly doubt it, but at this point i'm not abject to you trying." jeeve huffed at her indignance and shooed her away from the door.

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True Power’s Destruction

He was a better smith than len was with magic swords len hated making them so why would he make one for zach.

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Pollymorphed Pirate

* * * kem was now tied up in the corner of his shop whilst flint robbed him of his gold and other sorts of valuables he could take with him, turns out having a deceptively magical sword was clearly enough for the unarmed dragon with only experience

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirty-third Entry

"okay, people," said rufus as he drew his magical sword and bearded handaxe, "get ready. we've got no real way of knowing what's up there until we see it for ourselves.

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