Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #10- The Two Young Architects

This was a collaboration between me and sam gwosdz (sam-gwosdz on fa) and re-posted here with permission. stefan calico, natalie, and leo are my creations. all other characters are copyright to their own creators and used with permission.

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Camp Redfur

This is a re-post of a story from my old account btw. i'll be posting more nsfw shorts and chapters of a fantasy novel i've been working on. in the mean time if you'd like to support me you can buy me a ko-fi from the link in my bio.

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Sorry, 7/7 this re-posted for a name change. also 7/9 i edited to clean it up a little, but still far from complete :-) hey guyz!! this is a very very sloppy short piece of smut. that's all it is, smut. i dont need critique, it was rushed just for fun.

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_i have decided to re-post my stories._ pistol © her player kitch © bemani dog warning: this contains graphic depictions of heterosexual sexual acts. minors ought not to read this story.

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A Heart's Christmas

Story and mare (c) amethyst mare this may not be re-posted by anyone other than myself. --- like my stories? support me for as little as $1 on patreon to read stories before anyone else and access my short story collections and novels!

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Tales of the Tainted: Brodec - Chapter 1-

I won't be editing and re-posting changes as i continue down the line, you get to see this story as its first writen, things will change in editing and re-drafting, but you get a look at this idea first, long before my agent or anyone else...

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#1 of isle and his gassy adventures so here's another series of stories i'm re-posting from fa involving a hedgewolf (hedgehog/wolf hybrid) going through various adventures that involve some kind of toilet humor, usually flatulence.

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TItans of the World I: Somebody Save Me (edited)

Note: i've edited each chapter so i could re-post with no flaws. ~~~~~ (chapter 1) ~~~~~ the random staccato of gun fire seemed to envelope his senses, all sounds muffled as he laid there, struggling to breath.

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Love at First Swallow

Story and characters © zero the photofox / ambri and jade scale and are not to be used or re-posted without permission.

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Bad to the bone (1)

I have done a little rework of this first chapter and decided to re-post it, hopefully, myself and seeker will continue it, if not then i will try to continue it alone.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #12- Friendly Rivalry Advice

This was a collaboration between me and sam gwosdz (sam-gwosdz on fa) and re-posted here with permission. stefan calico and leo are my creations. all other characters are copyright to their own creators and used with permission.

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"Advent" - Chapter 3 - The Choice

#3 of advent ok to everyone reading, this is an old story i'm simply re-posting, as i'm going back and re-working my old stuff just so i can say i didn't let them die o.o if enough people like it though (as short as it is; god curse my beginning writer days

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