A wolf's hidden compassion chapter 1: strange feelings
Huh...oh its nothing to be concerned about, your mother just has special needs that need to be taken care of every so often. well...what are they...i want to know dad.
Dragon Lovers, a lovers choice
But i'm not a proper female, i have, how should i put it, special needs, that was what my mother always said when i was just a hatchling. "hello earth to silvia you in there?" coming out of my daze, "huh what?"
Mikey's First Meat
Saying his brothers wouldn't spend any time with him, or take care of his... special needs..." the large hog gave his young turtle a small but hard bite to his neck, making him gasp out in pleasure. "i-it's true guys...
Consortium 1-4: The Gathering Storm- Chapter 4
Thankfully, today was looking to be a quiet day for the news and nothing special needed her attention. kinou was on his way to a new station.
The First Day
#1 of school of hard knocks: a home for the not-so-normal pokemon the school of hard knocks for pokemon with special needs "welcome to advance techniques 420. i am ms.
Blind Date
They could sleep together, all made up in a mess and oh so very satisfied, and see what came of a single blind date, if anything special needed to come of it at all.
Clueless ch18: *Pretend* to be gay, suuuure
"oh, no, i didn't mean it like that, but you know how some special needs kids have crazy talents, right? like i meant it was amazing that you can compete on the same level as retards like that!"
SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 16
We do not have any who specialize in his type of special needs." she said unhappily. "hmmm, well in that case, a team of lions plus one of our imamu will be sent to megakat city to attend the birth.
Not even a demon can split us apart
They've heard that the school nearby was specially made for young anthros with special needs.
Especially that muscle-bound beefcake of a bear that was the star quarterback, and, despite marks that would have qualified him for "special needs", still got a football scholarship to collage.
New Student
"you're at the slavprot school for those with special needs. are you hurt? do you need any help?" "name's october, not kid. and no, i'm fine." he stood up and brushed himself off.
Kaspar Hauser
There were too many vulpine cavalrymen in my post to know who this fox belonged to and because this fox had special needs (his fragile frame showed signs of neglect or abuse, and he was practically mute, though not illiterate), none of the officers would accept