The Digimon Wars Chapter 15 An Unlikely Event

Napoleon sighed, he then stood up and walked to the window. ''come here.'' scared alexandra did as told, she stood up and walked next to him.

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Chapter VIII: Ideals, Part Two

Dustin stood up and started to tap on the floor, he smiled at the other two and as they woke up, to the slow beat they started to dance. colin smiled as they stood up and grabbed elias's hand as well, they stood up and then they started to dance.

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Ian - Chapter 4: Custody

I stood up as the tiger sat back down. "y... yes, ma'am." my voice was shaking, i was scared. "you see, my dad just got of work and my brother and i just got done watching a movie." my nerves started to calm.

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Westwood 4

Everyone stood up, as jess and mr. pearson still locked eyes, jess no longer afraid to stare into that pale, white eye.

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Heaven\'s not Enough

Leo stood up and smiled a big toothy smile. "ello mates. my name is leo white and i'm from sydney, australia." ryan heard some giggling from some of the girls in the class and cliff. leo sat down and the next fur stood up.

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Shades of Grey

He stood up and loosed a long howl that was lost in the storm. slowly the picture faded until everything was black once more.


Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 8

He felt the bed rise as she stood up. "huh? i didn't think you'd be so enthusiastic about christmas shopping, but let's go!" she said happily. his eyes were still closed. "ok, let's�wait, what are we doing?"

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Not Exactly as Planned (Warning: Diaper, Gross)

He looked down and there was nothing, so then he stood up and looked at the contents of his diaper.

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More Than Just Friends

She yawned and stood up, looking around and seeing sarah and her boyfriend are nowhere to be found in the living room.

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Scales and Fur: Chapter 3 - Who's There?

He stood up suddenly and took off into the air, looking around for the small wolfy. "where did you go little guy..?" he said softly and looked left and right, left and right. "hey what's that?"

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The Incel Law

The prosecutor stood up. "duane stanley, ready for the prosecution." the serval stood up. "nevil audley, ready for the defense. " judge tellet said, "both sides have waived the right to a jury trial and provided opening statements in writing.

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Camp Jeranto Chapter 1 Introduction To The Camp

Camper stood up shyly and said "heyy....i'm...ricco the racoon", the next camper stood up and said i'm greg the dingo, and the final camper stood up and said i'm derek the tiger" drasmir looked at all the cubs and then said i am your camp leader drasmir the

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