Two Kisses and an Apology
Was it for the bear's own gratification -- an apology for his sadistic treatment of the bear's balls? was it so that the infernal chastity device would stop it's maddening attention, if only for a few hours? or for some other reason?
Sorry, Apologies, and Hanging On
**Here's the next part. I hope eveyone likes is going on lol...I've tried to fill in some holes that may have been left in the last chapter. If there is anything that dosen't make sense just ask. I have a lot of plans for the future of this...
1. A Birthday Apology
"i need a really good apology for spoiling my birthday," the tabby purred out as she stood back up. instead of offering her shoe, she turned around and stuck out her butt.
The Academy - No Apologies Needed
We hadn't been taken back to campus, I don't know why. I sat in a waiting room of the military hospital we had been brought to. The rest of the squad had gone to bed in the...
Apology Accepted Po
Chapter 3 â€" apology "truly" accepted a/n: hey everyone, i just decided to bring up the third installment of try me... i dare you. i hope you like it. disclaimer: i do not own kung fu panda.
An Apology to a Neighbor 2
An apology to a neighbor part 2 featuring drakehavok and winterhound776 sponsored by fyacin\_tia havok half-expected to be marched across a desert after they arrived at the southern kingdom, but after the two days on the boat
An Apology to a Neighbor 1
Nirimer had his cock cage taken back - with apologies - and the dragons were walked down to the docks naked. a runner was sent to the jackal to tell them where the meeting would be, and havok...
Your Apology Is Not Accepted
"you will be apologizing for your flagrant disregard for the dress code, your constant disrespect to your fellow students and staff, and most importantly, your constant truancy and lack of attendance."
A princely apology (prologue)
#1 of a princely apology a new draft appears, featuring a returning character! i'll refine this and make the smut part later on. constructive criticism for improving my writing is greatly appreciated! "absolutely not!"
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 13 last minute entry
**The legend of Spyro** **Legend of the black dragon** **Chapter 13 last minute entry** "Why can't I play with them anymore?" "A dragon as special as you can't be seen playing with those lizards" "What's going on here?" "I...
All Apologies (M/M)
All apologies by h. a. kirsch copyright 2010 apologies to that guy who wrote that song whose title i stole. ---- i just so happened to look out my apartment window right when some crazy car pulled up.
For Love of Love 21: Apologies
He had just fucked Jes...several times. He couldn't be any happier, really...well, maybe if he turned out to be Jes' tamer and not Oliver or whatever his name was, but the chances of that happening were slim to none. He didn't know or care why she had...