For Love of Love 12: Sexual Preferences, Part 2

**_There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved._** -George Sand Oliver tried not to let his dick get hard as Lex's snake-like tongue flicked around its base and up along its length. He managed to utter out something that vaguely...

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For Love of Love 11: Sexual Preferences, Part 1

Fingers brushed against exposed breasts and underneath chins, tails wrapped and tightened around legs, and blue eyes stared into red eyes that stared back. With another moan, she slid one hand down over the place that she hadn't explored yet...

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For Love of Love 10: Ex Periculo

_ _ **Anonymous,** Latin "From danger..." "Anyone can love," he repeated. "It's just not always obvious to us." Besides, among all of the anguish and anger she was feeling, all of it directed at herself, she almost...

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For Love of Love 8: For The Win

_**I heard an angel singing, when the world was springing: "Mercy, pity, and peace, are the worlds release."**_ **-** _William Blake_ The blue, yellow, and green lights of the heavily populated city of Tokyo illuminated the surroundings of...

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For Love of Love 7: The Real World Is Dangerous, Too

Jean watched the white mist dissipate around her, slowly revealing a small patch of forest between two long streets. Her head tilted slightly in curiosity before discipline forced her mind back to the task at hand. She had work to do here. There would...

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Ars Technica Digimonae 9: Punishment

"What in the hell was that?" was the question on everyone's lip back at the function. The security personnel had lost track of him after he exited the building, a fact which didn't seem to amuse some of the managing staff of the Department. "Maybe...

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Ars Technica Digimonae 8: Dinner

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." - Murphy's Law "The fact that I stimulate myself surprises you?" Luna stayed there, making a soft murring sound and moving into a different position. "Well, that, yeah..." He...

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Ars Technica Digimonae 7: Fitting in Part 2

Volume VII - _Dinner and a Movie_ "You've been sleeping for two hours." Her paw stroked the top of his head. "Has anyone ever told you that you sleep extremely soundly?" I don't sleep with other people very often," he said...

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Ars Technica Digimonae 6: Fitting In

There was nothing cheerful left in Ezra's mind at that moment--it was far too occupied with despair. Despair at losing the only love he ever had, despair that there might not be anything he could do about it, and despair that it was his fault for...

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For Love of Love 6: A Newcomer Approaches

" anything else. Maybe she was just a picky eater. He didn't know. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " The one or two times a year that she had enough time to see her parents after returning from an assignment, she only got more and more...

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For Love of Love 5: Things That Keep Us Happy

Angie giggled at what Lex had done. Without giving any sign of knowing it, her new mate was an incredible romantic. She loved it. And she loved him. There wasn't anything about this new life that she didn't love. "Ohhh, Angie, I like it up here," he...

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For Love of Love 4: The New World

The group of Digimon and humans made their way out of the city. Oliver silently thanked whatever forces may have helped him for going in there and coming out with his life. He hadn't pictured himself losing his virginity in there, of course, but...

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