The House Dahan
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- li dahan is lying on a set of pillows with a bowl of wine in his hand, next to his wife in his home in the province of hunnan changa, which is in the south of 14th century china
To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 23
I sunk my money in a trading venture based out of india, buying tea from china, for sale here.
A High Tail Hall Christmas Carol part 3
china pulled the green fabric aside to reveal her reddened lips, moist and ready to receive her new friend.
Furry Fallout
china attacked the u.s. they attacked alaska and are currently occupying anchorage, the state capital. the world is in a panic as china is threatening to use fucking nukes.
Bio-Morph FAQ 2
** in 2021 to 2022 a major electronics manufacturer in china converted their low wage factories to robotic ones. this manufacturer supplies the bulk of china's exports.
The Dragon's Tapestry
Nobody knew why but he seemed to be fond of the tapestry, daneloo had become an icon of china.
Battle In Athens
The truth was, india was afraid of china's numbers and didn't want to do anything to set china off, while china was afraid that launching a full on attack on india would bring down nato and their frighteningly sophisticated weaponry on any of china's
To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 26
To Dream of Darkness A story by DoggyStyle57 Chapter 26, Written January 2012 === Chapter 26 - Oriental scholarship The old wolf scholar called for his boy, who blinked in amazement to see that his master had a guest, since Sarina had...
A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words
"just think, in like eight hours we'll be in china! china!" shorter than her older brother, emily bounced against his arm.
Spirit Bound: Historical Data
He lived for 73 years in what is now china, acquiring much knowledge, including: how to play the pipa, kung fu, and further improved the art of massage.
Death's Hand
The war had been raging from 2019, when china had violated us airspace and ocean territory several times.
As the Saying Goes...
Shaking his head in concern at how much that weird encounter with the china object had messed with his head, sigma looked away for a moment, then back. the hooves were still there.