Protecter of the Forest
That will be entirely up to the lady who resides and protects this forest. if you do, make sure to pay heed to the warnings signs posted. now, just one more thing to do......."
Buying Protection
**One Size Fits All** **Written by: Zylen Andel** **Commissioned by: Blitzkriegotter** The bathroom door opened with Blitz grinning from ear to ear, he just couldn't believe how lucky he was tonight. He had come to the bar to flirt...
The Price for Protection
I could protect you against five," the creature said, then closed its eyes again. "but if they want you bad enough, they won't send five. they'll send fifty to come look for you. i cannot protect you against fifty."
Witness Protection
He told kevin that part of his protection would be a dog that had been specially trained. not only had it been trained to perform a wide variety of tasks, but it was also well trained for protection.
Unwanted Protection
Unwanted protection moses returned home to find he had company. the dragon paused as he looked at the car sitting outside his apartment. he recognized who it belonged to. well... he figured he might as well figure out what she wanted.
Protecting Myself
The new theme for this week is, "at first i didn't tell you everything to protect you, but after awhile i realized i was really protecting myself."
Protection (By 3timer)
Angels are assigned to whom they protect, demons choose who they torment, and come and go as they please.
The Protective Weregarurumon
Being the protective digimon that he was, weregarurumon didn't like it when his companions became scared or anxious around him, as it meant that something or someone was presenting themselves as being more dangerous than he was, and that fact could not be
A Mother's Protection
**a mother's protection** "w-which one do you want me to use?"
Responsibility to Protect
Bader wanted more people, and he wanted the powered armor for protection, but the _dark horse_ had a small crew and there weren't many to spare for the rescue.
Price of Protection
Merchants, nobles, and royalty were always looking for protection, and few were as adept at offering that protection than kyril and his travelling partner saestal. he was a massive beast, standing over two full meters tall with the body of a gladiator.
Ace of Clubs (Part 1)
We're all friends in our own little club especially for proprietors of businesses under lysander's protection." ezra's smile dropped away abruptly. "perhaps it's time you visited the clubhouse, ace." there was a pause.