Holidays in Partridge Drums
He took the invite, and now wore his signature purple outfit. purple business coat, purple slacks, white business shirt, and a purple tie. his signature outfit, the one that everyone knew that was him, made quite an impression, in fact.
Beast Wars Ravages of Love (unfinished alternate story)
And, finally, two distinctly modern and active cybertronian signatures, one maximal, one predacon, located not 70 vuns from each other and 13 hics from the landlocked ancient signature.
Feral Fantasies Chapter 2
"and you've definitely earned that signature. here you are." vyn then gave him the letter of recommendation, with a signature and paw print at the bottom. "take it to the guild master the first chance you get. she'll take care of the rest."
Beasts and Crystal Beast VS Heros and Synchros Part 2
Like her favorite monster is lady panther and her signature monster is master of oz. my favorite monster is panther warrior and signature monster now is rainbow dragon.
Jeremy 015; A Cause For Concern
He didn't pursue the line of thought and let another fellow student add their signature and secretly gained their profile. by the end of his lunch break there was't any more room on his bandage.
._ six signatures followed that. six writers had seen it. _terra, son, forest outside bankfoot in the highlands of pict. fourth full moon of 1412._ only one signature followed that one. "this must be a mistake." the seer commented.
Change of Perspective Page 36
**timestamp 10:05:12.21** irlea proposes, "we are transmitting possible raptor weapon energy signatures. if you scan for them and unknown signatures, that should cut down on scan time." rendin answers, "affirmative. recalculating estimate.
Coronation Day, Chapter 11
Get your weapon ready and stay focused, got a few heat signatures on the surrounding rooftops."
Starlight Part 5
Take a look at this signature."
A Demon's Purpose: Chapter 1 - Arrival
Though he still had half a mind to cast this whole thing off as a dream, he soon began to jot down his signature on the nice big obvious line at the bottom of the page.
Cold Blood 2: The Sound of Silence
"do you know what his signature is?" teodor looked up, momentarily startled, and then shook his head. "no. it should be present, though, at the rate he's leaking." "i have a signature?" "_all_ mages have signatures," trand said.
Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.8: Children Are the Number One Priority
The heat signatures of the ex-hunters were disappearing two at a time as the heat signatures of me and javi advanced. she exhaled a slow breath and looked at jakobus again, "jak, sie töten sie. wir sollen hier bleiben, während sie sie töten.