Day of Dawn Part 1 (Fairy Tail Fiction)

Lucy opened the door to find a young pony-tailed blue-haired male standing there. he had on a black vest and long sleeved blue shirt underneath that.

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Into ones unknown chapter 6

At this panic began to settle in the blue haired tamer's chest. this isn't what he had in mind. " **shogun sword**!"

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Torture then Death to the Black Wing

"hell creatures have no effect here creature of satan" laughed the blue haired man "now leave!" he commanded

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RS: love chronicles vol 1: 6/6

One was a wolffox with dark grey fur and blue hair with golden eyes. the other was her husband a wolf anthro with silver fur and hair with augmented arms, legs, and cybernetic golden hazel eyes.

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Chapter 19

Claws formed upon the ghostly wings of the dragon as the red eyes peered down hungrily at the blue haired man. "i won't let you interfere!"

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The horse leaned down and kissed marvin deeply, running a paw through the thick tussle of blue hair on the vulpine head, the wolf also shifting forward, burying his long snout into the foxes crotch.

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Watch Your Step (Commision story)

Ahead of him was a rather tall man, long deep blue hair adorned his skull, was tied in the back in braid. he wore a worn and torn traveling cloak and a rather thick blue shirt.

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Maybe I am a Lioness

Those words made cameron drop his mouth in utter shock, which in turn caused the white and blue haired stallion to rear his head back in a loud whinny of amusement.

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Eric's Conquest: Chapter 2 Corrected

As his cock disappeared into trace's willing mouth, he placed his hand against the back of the blue haired head and pressed trace firmly into his groin, mounting his face.

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Ditz From Above

Bronze-skinned, blue-haired, and very lithe in appearance, there was a young girl at the bottom of the crater, but not an ordinary girl.

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The Gift (Part 2)

Another robotic hand emerged and grabbed the hyena tightly by his blue hair, forcing his head close to the bowl so he could fully see and smell his fate.

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Bonds of Love (9)

Nine chapter nine a gay cat as i walked around i saw a couple of stray cat some white, black, grey, brown, and one was blue hair. i tilted my head at the blue hair one it was on top of another cat.

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