
Caden sat indignantly on the couch; occasionally huffing the bit of fur that fell in front of his eyes away. The thirteen-year-old dingo had his arms folded over his chest, staring blankly at the black television screen. His face wore a look of...

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The Folf And Fosky

The Folf and Fosky 1: Fun Shower Time Author's Notes: Please read the description. X The sunlight the next morning was shining through the blinds of the window. This hit Nicholas, causing him to stir. He suddenly felt something on his nude self. He...

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Ranch Rounds ch.10 - Ninetales, Vulpix, Ranch Workers(Mother and Daughter)

"I really should check on the ninetails. She's getting pretty far along in her pregnancy." Syn says getting up from the grass where he and Ciri slept. She is gone and so are the Nidoqueen and the Nidoking gangbang. He tucks his cock back into his...

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Flight of Lovers

Read the description first. X Flight of Lovers Although Falkner and Skyla had arrived at around the same time as the Trainer that was getting married, they wouldn't meet her and her guy just yet. That was because they were waiting for the rest of...

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Puppy Mill Ch. 2

Chapter 2 Justin was a nervous wreck the next day. He could barely control his emotions as they swung between creeping dread and near uncontrollable arousal. He'd already jerked off before going to bed. And then again after he woke up. And then in...

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Acheron Part 5

Loud music is booming from this building that's about the size of a small hotel, I'm a little nervous as I've never been to a part before, much less one meant for hellhounds. Now that I think about, Loona is 7 feet tall... how big are the males of the...

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2020-06-28 Experimental Hybrid Breeding

**Experimental Hybrid Breeding By: VeronicaFoxx For: Bloodgod245** F-22E-R053's sensors came online as a presence was detected within the maintenance bay/laboratory where she lived, and she cut the entertainment feed she was watching while...

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Handle With Care

The life of a courier is never an easy one, with constant driving and heavy lifting, as well as the occasional mistake such as dropping a fragile package by accident, or causing some form of traffic jam when there is no safe place to park your over...

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The Beach

The two tabby cat sisters excitedly walked off the hard surface of the parking lot and onto the soft, hot sand, standing either side of their father, holding his paws as they walked.. Amber, the slightly older of the two twins, wore a pink one-piece...

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Ranch Rounds ch.2 - Blaziken

Syn slowly moved himself away from the fiery sands of the main area in the fire pokemon habitat, following the same trail the two Fennekin's had taken just a few moments before. He hummed to himself softly as he walked along the soft sand, slowly...

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'Tis The Season

'tis the Season... By DoggyStyle57 Written April 25-26, 2014 Friday, October 20th, 2000 Donna Grant brought the last of her bags to the car and gave them to her husband to put in the trunk. She paused in the driveway to admire the virile and...

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Ranch Rounds ch.3 - Rapidash and Ponyta's

So far, Syn's day had been fairly eventful, what with his fun earlier in the morning with Rose and her friends, and now his encounters with three of his father's pokemon. Slowly the teenaged pokemon trainer ambled around the fire enclosure, moving away...

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