Rubber Spy 2 - Rubber Queen
Slayer collapsed on the floor, the last stages of the transformation covering his body completely as he surrendered to the hive mind.
Birth of Cynder Drone
**Birth of Cynder Drone** Kira stretched in the midday sun as she leaned against a tree. The dark purple violet scaled dragoness relaxed as she watched the nearby river run by. Her white claw tips twitched as she pushed herself...
Hypnovember 2022 #9 - No Distance, We Are One
Limewah's Hypnovember 2022 Story IX No Distance, We Are One Prompts : Parasite/Virus, Long Distance, One for All Commissioned by Zonkboy With thanks to Hyenaface for the Prompts 18+ Kolt's eyes were so ready to fall closed. He...
An Infestation in the Herd 1
Tags: m/solo, m/m, parasite, pony, stallion, mlp, feral, anal, anal infestation, hive, hive mind, mind control, series, butt, tentacle, aphrodisiac, orgasm, cum, forced orgasm, obedience,
Everything you want to know about Cheshires - A Glossary of Insight
**shiftant:** indigenous hive minded microscopic organism of void space capable of remembering and passing along what other shiftants have learned.
An Infestation in the Herd 2
Tags: m/f, m/m, horses, ponies, mlp, stallion, mare, oral, blowjob, aphrodisiac, corruption, hive mind, parasite, control, mind control, orgasm, forced orgasm, cum, anal, anal infestation, series,
Part 4.5-The Storm
Jib replied as he hive-minded his report to his overlord, who seemed pleased. the tarantula hive-minded further orders back to the scout, who immediately took off, reverting back to walking on all eight legs/arms.
Epsilon Labs
"_ the rest of the hu'un hive mind starts to bunch up, the individual physical actions of its constituents slowing to a relative crawl.
Echoes II: Elaria Chapter Two
A hive mind may not have formed during that duration." he said. terra sat back and nodded in agreement after thinking it over.
Breaking Habits
The hive mind clearly had something fun in mind and he was being intentionally kept in the dark by limiting his access to the information in his own head. "very well, then where should i go now?"
Dinosauria- Chapter 9- Breaking Habits
The hive mind clearly had something fun in mind and he was being intentionally kept in the dark by limiting his access to the information in his own head. "very well, then where should i go now?"
A Pandemic of Lust 4
He could turn this entire area into a playground for himself, turn one sex zombie after another to the hive mind that he had made with his own people in the safe zone.