The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 2-China and India,1935,Part 1
Everyone did as they were told & jumped just in time before the plane crashed into a mountain, rode down a snowy, bumpy hill, & into a roaring river. during that time, willie kept screaming as they rode.
For No Apparent Reason- Intro, A1S1
He recently met a tragic end in a plane crash and jenkins believes that cruz is still protecting him from beyond the grave as each of his nightmares end when a fox in angelic garb takes him away from the demons.
A Brother's Love Ch. 01
He was pissed at the school for not bothering to correct for the fact that the two seventeen-year-olds lived alone after their foster-parents died in a plane crash. he was pissed at michal for michael hurting people because they were gay.
The lottery you do not want to win
Remember after the dance and that weekend when you stayed with us after your family died in the plane crash. i never told you my dad and brothers died in the war. i am three weeks now." she pulled out the tests and it was true.
Rexville 33: The Flight
He hoped and avoided getting near the crash site as apparently, according to the car's radio, the plane crashed near the highway. he didn't want kendall to see the chaotic mess out there.
Odd Mates Redone part 2
.** **but in the air above canada, the aeroplane crashed into jasper park. were we found by humphrey and co.
Heaving a massive sigh, he flops down onto his bed with all of the grace of a plane crash, instantly relaxing into its plush surface. within minutes, his temper mellows out, work far behind him and the weekend ahead of him.
Hunted - Part 3
"i'd imagine knowing your plane crashed does a number on you," leena snaps over her shoulder to scruffy. looking to the upset raccoon, suddenly standing less self assured, scruffy apologizes. "i'm sorry.
Remembrance ~ Part One
Malak's was that his boyfriend - his fiancé, actually - was killed in a plane crash. he turned his head to his nightstand: there, next to the clock, rested the necklace he had given alex to signify their relationship.
Secret Love - Epilogue
#1 of secret love epilogue it's friday night and james and i finally finished watching "plane crash", the movie we partially watched back when we first had sex.
Bit Beast meet Tamers part 1
" geezzz nala could you wait,till we got off the plane. remember you nearly made, the plane crash last time." stuart grumble, looking at the cheekily looking lioness. the female bit beat stuck her cat tongue out at him.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 4)
Like quicksand or plane crashes. she always believed she was better than the other carnies who lost control. she had be in order to get where she is today. she controlled every aspect of her being during every second. not a muscle out of place.