Entertaining the Guests (ALTERNATE)
He took a candle from the wall sconce and an ice cube from his water glass, began alternating between dripping hot red wax over the girl's breasts and running the ice cube over her back, her thighs, and her sex.
Alternate Interrogation Techniques
Lord Ves Iorveth tapped his fingers against the wood table as he stared intently at his captive. Five days of torture and the yote had said naught save "The Queen is false." It was the rebels rallying cry. Ves would like to take the traitor's lowborn...
Die Voyager-Alternative
Die voyager-alternative (eine sehr pöse star-trek geschichte) der mensch lässt sich nicht aufhalten! (leitspruch des imperiums) "das imperium ist ewig!" genüsslich ließ sich kathryn janeway diesen satz auf der zunge zergehen.
An Alternate History For Placodonts
Placodonts were some of the most resilient groups of Triassic marine reptiles, consistently surviving minor extinction events with minimal diversity loss until the mass extinction. In one timeline, this did not happen. Instead, their diversity...
Alternate Form of Payment
"some kind of... alternative?" the tapping slowed, cold calculations implicit behind moira's implacable expression. a twig plucked from a nearby branch transformed to an elegant fountain pen as moira brought it to the papers.
Neri's Alternative Payment
The mage's hands alternated between featherlight strokes to firmer rubs and massages. "stop that," she moaned, the words half-hearted as she twisted.
Broken - alternate ending
#2 of balto - broken the alternate ending for 'broken', where things don't exactly work out for balto. poor wolf-dog. balto sat, shivering slightly, in the cold, dark night, near the sleeping town of nome.
Alternate Episode 1
Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **alternate episode 1** **jaga set the ship on autopilot when he was no longer able to pilot it.
Rebellion (Alternate Ending)
**Rebellion** ** ** Fang sat frowned as a strand of his long blonde hair fell in front of his dark green eyes. A bright yellow wizard-light floated next to him, illuminating the small desk he sat at. He set down the long, thin quill he had been...
A Dream: An Alternate Reality
It was me in an alternate world, but with a different base persona. currently as most will know, my inner persona is represented by me'zelf. in this alternate world, this was replaced by "thingy".
Executive decisions 1
Delicious smells wafted through into the lounge at 131 Forest Avenue, Ilchester, England, as a swarthy male aardvark flicked the pages of his Country Life magazine. He sank down into the plumped-up cushions that had been carefully...
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3
Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request File Available: A.C.E. Project File Entry: 00003 Subject: A.C.E. Project Time Stamp: 10.15.550AW \<2nd Age of Industrial Revolution 0230-0550AW\>...