WITD Part 7: Apologies
Ryn apologized, tao hearing more shuffling behind the door. "i'm sorry for that too." "it's okay, it isn't working out much between us anyways." she disregarded, not really surprised that the small fox apologized. "he has been growing more...
[Request] Post-Pop Apology
Charlie had been extremely apologetic about the whole thing -- writing a heartfelt apology letter, visiting him at the pokécenter with flowers, checking in regularly to see how he was doing.
Chapter 4: Owing an Apology
I've already said before that you apologize too much!" "no, pyra apologizes too much." mythra corrected him. "i haven't." rex opened his mouth to argue otherwise, but she quickly continued "i shouldn't have said what i did after vandham died."
Author's Update - I Can't Go On
Before i go, lastly i wanted to apologize most of all is the one i love. with the bottom of my heart i am turely sorry... i never wanted this to happen, and i hope you will live a happy life. goodbye everyone... for now.
Healing Love - Chapter 13
Why are you always the first one to apologize?" i blinked. i'm not entirely sure what to do or say right now. i put the plate aside and hugged him gently. ". . . don't know . . . i guess i don't like to hurt."
The Surrogate: Flying Lessons
Disclaimer - These flying lessons are not approved by the FAA, though you may find them enlightening in other ways. Please proceed at your own risk. (This is a chapter in a work of adult fiction. Do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.) ...
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 14
She also apologizes for her actions the previous weekend. because amanda's memory of the weekend is fuzzy, michael tells her what happened all the way up to his apologizing for upsetting her saturday afternoon.
_Losses_ _Finding One's True Self: Part 51_ _By Xan Steel_ Cartina woke up one morning in the flat she was renting while she worked away from home, which was on the other side of Valdoro. She hated having to work so far from home, but ever since she...
Do You Still Love Me 7
Casually strolling through the park with a bucket, Duke tried his best not to bring any attention to himself. There was something that he needed to get and the less eyes on him while he got it the better. It was a nice day out, very few clouds and a...
Meet the Illusionist
His apology was, to say the least, very adorable, but also quite impressive.
Do You Still Love Me 12 - Final Chapter
Not long after that gideon approached duke with an apology for being so harsh towards him and duke apologized for what he did to the fox's shop. they agreed to a fresh start between one another.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 13
"well, now's your chance to apologize. i don't know amanda extremely well; but i do know that she's a very forgiving vixen. come on."