Gaian Magic for Dummies

-beast band- a dynamax shaped bracelet that's brown with a clear square shaped gemstone in it, it's used to hold extra magic from a beast trigger.

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Five

Out came the half of the goron bracelet that the like like ate, along with the master sword! the half of the goron bracelet that the great deku tree had given me had started to glow, as did the one the like like had spit out.

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Born Again Dragon

His hand suddenly lunged forward and grabbed the other bracelet.

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Rescue went wrong!

Isaac was still trying to figure the issues with his smart bracelet.

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Unseen Colors, Act One

She didn't get up immediately, instead, she tried to pry the bracelet off her wrist with little success._ there was another dull pain in her wrist where the bracelet wound around her tightly.

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Love of my Second World Life

I then noticed on the frame of the mirror was a hook with what looked like a bracelet hanging on it. i reached for the bracelet and was startled and jumped as the bracelet suddenly appeared on my left wrist.

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Dreaming with Dragons

The bracelet he wore on his right wrist jangled like a pair of keys as he fixed his hair.

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[CAM] Chapter 6 – Young Love

He had always been very good at crafting friendship bracelets out of wool. he would get some wool from his allowance and then craft her a nice bracelet.

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Beach Hunt

Raising her wrist, she spoke to her bracelet. "time?" "the time is, oh-nine-forty-two." the bracelet replied in a flat monotone recorded voice. leia smiled and deactivated the bio-shock pulse in her bracelet.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.3 Myre

Valda went back to looking at the two youngsters finally starting their game of phases, "what's with your bracelet?" "my bracelet?"

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