Trying out something (breathholding rp)

\*coos softly and breathes deeply, letting him feel his chest waving whilst he cuddles against him\* you a cute one.. :3 flame: \*blush even more as i feel your breath\* thanks, and i like feeling others breathing =3 dra: awrr..

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Knowing she will have to hold her breath longer than ever, tigress takes a few shallow breaths and then a long deep breath, extruding her chest as she fills her lungs to their breaking point.

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Birthday Bear

Birthday Bear Berin woke up to the warm spring morning, stretching in the rays of the sun that shown down through the curtains of his window. He reached over to the nightstand, fumbling for his glasses, and blinked the sleep from his eyes. Finally...

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Fuzzy lover

#2 of breath of fire fuzzy lover ryu was laying on an old mattress, garr was holding on tightly to his thighs as he furiously thrust in and out of his ass, ryu was gritting his teeth as his impromptu partner was breathing heavily, it was ryu's first

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A New Way to Tease

Indeed they were all foggy, a product of the fox's heavier breathing. in an instant, gregg had another idea on how he could tease the bear before him. licking his lips, gregg smirked before purposely his puffing his breath against the twin windows.

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The Plight -- First Night, today.

Travel lower bulging the urethra, the dragon closes his eyes as he relishes the stolen flavor of the transforming werewolf's cock, his claw pumping and pumping the member as his left claw switches between squeezing the lads throat in rythm controlling his breathing

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10. Breathe Again (100 Theme Challenge)

A collar asphyxiates my desires to thriveloosening only to allow a gasp of prosperity -then it tightens again, increasing my life's complexities.A collar asphyxiates my desires to thrivepreventing knowledge from entering my brainI can't pay to learn...

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A Simple Room (snuff)

She was breathing deep of the musky stench of cum from the dying male who was mostly hidden by a plain white curtain. he had planted an impressive amount of cum all over the floor too. she had quite a clean up once his hour was up.

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Link and Sidon do the Thing [Vore]

Link couldn't breathe. it was so tight. he was still being pushed down, and just as link was starting to get lightheaded from lack of air, he emerged into sidon's stomach, where he could finally breathe again. "you okay in there?"

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Lost for Breath (Commission)

So tight was his prison that he felt every breath strain with the rise of his chest.

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The Dragon That Breathed Life

To build pressure, there is a long chamber down its neck where the dragon mixes air it has breathed in with the fluid and causes the flames to build up while still inside of it before breathing it out.

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(i need a breath)

I need to take a breath. need to calm down. need to remember that this is a dream. it's a dream, leo! ch: it's a dream, leo. ch: do you need to take a breath? i nod, swallow hard. leo: is there a bathroom?

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