The Long Run

I can see the other end but i know that as i enter my eyes quickly adjust to the dark, my ancestors night senses an echolocation kick in.

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Tuki and the seal (leopard seal/dolphin vore)

The three dolphins were far enough from the torpedo-shaped creature to see it only as a dim shape, but their echolocation told them its size and shape to the centimeter. "i think it's one of the spotted ones," igla chittered.

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Carousel of unearthly delights

He didn't like to use echolocation in public; there was something about walking along with your eyes closed but perfectly able to see that creeped people out.

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Lost at Sea

I'm surprised you've also forgot how to echolocate, but at least you're trying. too bad, though. echolocation is a huge factor when it comes to agility." so, we started again.

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A Leroy's Tentacle Encounter

The cave was completely empty as far as he could tell, no echolocating animals or scurrying of insects was to be heard. a clap of thunder behind him caused him to jump a little, and he quickly hissed at the storm behind him.

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Silver Moonlight (Faust's Rebirth)

Their echolocation thrummed in faust's ears with tonal frequencies that set their mind at ease and stilled their racing heart. everything would be okay. calm displaced the panic in their chest.

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Chapter 18 - New Blood

Alex breathed a deep breath in though his blow hole, and then started making a very deep humming sound, an echolocation sound he had inherited.

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Food Chain: Bitch, I Eat people!

But with his echolocation, the giant bat was aware of their presence before he even got close to them.  

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Mad Science - The New Apprentice

His head swiveled about as he followed the sound, his echolocation giving him a pretty good idea of everything in his vicinity. it was a person, just at the edges of his sense, but coming closer at a relaxed pace.

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._ i couldn't see her, and i didn't want to alert her by echolocating.

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She hadn't used her echolocation once - she'd trusted my guidance absolutely. i watched as she sat herself down amidst the waving green grass.

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