Huge Invisible

If sol were to explode, we would see it eight minutes afterwards: it would take that long for the light from the catastrophe to reach earth.


Home Is All We Have Left

The explosion caused a chain reaction of explosions. the victory bounced around as the force of the explosions was causing the gyroscope to fail. soon the last of the chain of explosions reached the fuel compartment and ignited the entire fuel reserve.

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Not So Simple ~Part 5

Despite being several miles out still, i could hear the _crump_ of explosions within the city itself.

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The Invasion of Acacia: Chapter 1

It was estimated that the explosion occurred two light years from acacia. so the explosion really happened two years ago and it wasn't until a week earlier that acacia had been affected by the blast.


Armored core - frontlines chapter 1

At the moment" gau says, the explosions getting louder behind him, his energy running low in his thrusters.

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Starting Anew Chapter 6

They break apart in midair and explosions litter the ground as the cluster bomb hits. a secondary explosion, bigger and more brilliant, marks the death of an armored vehicle. gharna opens her eyes at the feeling of her wing and leg being tended.

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Have A Blast

This failsafe does not extend to splash damage however- it can't prevent explosive procussion from hurting them, and her entire inventory was explosive!

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Deep Space: Chapter one - The U.N.E

Another explosion, a sound that by now had been carved into her memory forever, shook the whole cargo bay making crates topple over and break.

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Gingerbread Man: 2109, Chapter 6, The Dream

The sudden change in masss cased it to lose control and impact the opposite side and explode. helped along by the pressure wave from its explosion feih landed upon the second fighter which had held it's fire for fear of hitting its comrade.

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Birthright - Chapter 2

Several explosions crop up as orc fighters and bombers are caught by the fire and explode. a few frigates on the orc side explode, as do a few elven as the orcs return fire.

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Make Them Pay.

The resulting explosion pushed about three tons of rubble onto her, all as a solid wall of mass.

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