Wolfhood: Chapter Seven - Dilemma
It was a car aiden never saw parked at gary's house before; he wondered if it belonged to gary's doctor cousin.
Shop Talk
"so i take it you're having a slow day, gary?" "pretty much." gary was not the store clerk's actual name.
It all Started with a Second Coffee Ch 4
It had always stuck with gary, due in part to its strangeness.
Captive Carrying (WIP)
"gary, babe, love, my one and only.
Astray - Week Three
How could he ever ask gary if he could stay? or tell him that he wanted to? why did he feel like he had to admit it to gary _now_? they had time; gary wasn't going to make him leave for a little while. hopefully.
Wolford's Unveiling - Part Sixteen
He groaned and gargled, his body pinching violently around gary so that gary had to thrust as quickly and shallowly as possible before he gave a low moan as he came himself.
Bunny Busting
Alisa panted and gary smiled as the two bunnies turned to face him.
The Bullshitter's Club
gary nodded, and the two shared a cab to the apartment jack rented. jack seemed subdued, but gary didn't want to bring anything up in the cab. gary unlocked the door to his apartment and gestured for gary to go in first, turning on the light.
The Ride Home
After a date goes south gary finds what he's been looking for in an unusual way.
It all Started with a Second Coffee Ch 6
"is... everything alright, gary?" hughie asked with a quiver in his voice that drew gary's gaze. the hyena was trying to hide it, but gary could see the glint of fear. fear of rejection. tears formed in the corners of his eyes. "yes!
Wolfhood: Chapter Two - Embarrassment
gary was waiting for him downstairs straight into the living room, his head hung back behind his sofa with a wide grin. sitting behind the sofa next to gary's legs was sophie, gary's family dog; a female grey coated white husky.
Wolford's Unveiling - Part Nine
Oh no... me and gary were just settling for bed, you're not interrupting at all..." wolford relaxed, letting gary pull himself free with a soft gasp as wolford just remained lounging there, his backside gaping as gary disappeared to have a shower.