Patreon 4 - Macross Xilimyth
"since when is crashing through two diplomatic ships count as a minor incursion?" xilimyth's voice crackled over the wolfs headset. an air of amusement was thick in her spiritual pitch. "hey!
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 27: The Future We Lost
"what are we going to do when another incursion happens?" the little mongoose asked. "we take the prototype and blow away every last one of those damn things." i grumbled.
Chapter 16: Ethelyn's Vision
I have sent troops to patrol and secure your forests from further fox incursions, weakening my own military force to strengthen yours --" "or perhaps to spy," etienne said calmly and regarded the poston king with an intent blue eye.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 6: Meanwhile In The Forest....
Like the day before, alex's meal was interrupted- this time by a rebel incursion.
Dogs of War - Chapter 2 - A Dance of Time and Shadow
On a whim he checked the index for the word 'kurgani' and found several references in the history section relating to clan manticore's incursion into the area during their expansion.
A Monumental Era
It was a paltry mission though; there were more than enough of their kind there in order to stop such a small incursion.
The Mythical Incurson 25 - Worthless
#25 of the mythical incursion judy had a surprisingly good night's rest. her body was surprisingly clean even her pussy and tailhole. what was even better was that they were going to have real food.
The Mythical Incursion 4 - Enter the Elephant
#4 of the mythical incursion if it were not for the looming events, this would be another normal day. chief bogo gave out assignments easily enough. nick quickly found himself in chief bogo's office alongside the two elephants.
Episode Twelve: MAAB
A few incursions to collect sap and berries. they could manage that without too much risk. "maybe i can go get her," lili said. "she might be ready." "lili." p'rao bounced in place.
Star Wars - Remission - Setting and Prologue
For the remainder of tul's term, the golden republic has managed to prevent further incursion of the sith empire into their own space.
Hunting Grounds
A wookiee bouncer takes measures to protect those under her watch from the incursion of unwanted individuals. this story takes place in the star wars galaxy, specifically the planet from the animated segment of the star wars holiday special.
The Mythical Incursion 16 - Forcing Evolution
#16 of the mythical incursion melody blinked since she was back home in her room. her room was just as she left it. she wore one of her many shirts that had gazelle on it. the burrow was empty, devoid of her family.