Cure For Insomnia II

Sometimes it can be difficult for me to get to sleep, there will be times where I have so much on my mind that I struggle to get comfortable in bed and get to sleep without taking some sort of medication to help me relax. Even after getting...

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A Morning Knot [Patron Reward]

He'd been trying so many cures for insomnia and none of them had stuck. kodi wasn't his last resort, but he was open to basically anything... and hey, he'd heard good things. he wasn't expecting how good it could be.

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Insomniatic fetish

Of course, everything changed after the doctors told us as he was diagnosed with a severe case od depression, which led to a very long and terrible sleep disorder called insomnia. after that he was freeky, no, i shouldn't say that.

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Sorrow and Sadness

He said it made him uncomfortable, but my insomnia is incurable and my meds make me puke, so there wasn't much either of us could do. i slouched a bit in the chair. john hated it when i did that, too.

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the animal

insomnia rampant, i cant get it to stop. it bleeds through my sleep... i'm in i'm there the warmth... so hot ... so sticky warmth in my belly. again and again i feel the heat rise.


a meeting with santa

Everyone was asleep except for me who had insomnia. there was really no reason for me to be up, but nights like this are getting to be too often now.

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S1 Ep 8 Artemis's backstory

Artemis struggled with anxiety and depression, which did spin out to insomnia and indigestion because of stress but would never open up about his problems because really no one paid that much attention to him growing up.

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The Raccoon Who Couldn't Let Go

Not that i was ashamed of suffering from insomnia, but i _was_ashamed of what i'd done last night. no matter how tired i was, that was something i definitely wouldn't be forgetting.

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Eternity - The Beginning

I had a case of undiagnosed insomnia, and the more there was on my mind, the harder it was for dreamland to attain me. evelyn didn't know me well enough to know all that, and i didn't trust her enough to tell her. even if i had, it wouldn't matter.

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Life's little miseries: prologue

He fretted, fell into insomnia, and could not stir up appetite long enough to be joyous and optimistic as his usual. what was on his being was a mark; a mark left behind four years ago by a mistake he had no intention of defiling the citizenry with.

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Hunger poem

#15 of free stories a short but sweet insomnia project i worked on a while ago and posted to patreon, decided you guys would like it too but had no idea how to make a teaser for a poem xd. my compulsion to eat him has grown gradually.

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