A short battle of magic
The missiles of magic, designed to home in on their target, made a full turn and headed towards him. which was just as he had intended; with him standing behind the white-robed wizard the missiles had to go through his enemy to get to him.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 30: Glacial - Towards Sangin
With ground-launched caam and meteor missiles...
Isolation-Excerpt 34-True Intentions
"can i make it there and to the missile tube in two and a half minutes"?", i asked. "if you move your ass", james said.
Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 12
A missile puffed free from the flank of the _jinx_, its overwatch a hail of railgun fire and point-defence lasers, seeing the lone missile home, to its target.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 39: Glacial – Resurrection
Prepare for launch of missiles 1 and 2, tlam-d."
The Nature of Warfare
Warplanes' anti-air armaments more often than not are primarily energy-based since that type has some advantages over missiles, though missiles are the second most common form and can be used to bombard surface targets.
Burning Twilight-Book One of the Dragon Chronicles-Chapter: Battle For Groom Lake
One million two hundred thousand missiles streak forward and impact the dragon armada. gold one orders another salvo then another until all missiles are gone.
The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1
Then, "one octopus missile, on its way!" he fired. an octopus missile flew towards their enemy. it looked like an ordinary missile until the front end split apart into an eight-armed "claw," which was designed to slam into and grab a target.
All Our Sin's Remembered
"all hands - this is the x o - we have hostile forces approaching our sector, missiles released, i repeat, missiles released - gunnery batteries - anti-missile defensive fire on my command..."
War of the Kaiju: Prologue
In a last ditch effort to survive, just when the explosive missiles were about to land, godzilla fired his atomic ray from his mouth to blow up the missiles.
Two Lovers Alike
Fifteen minutes pass and techie hacked into the missile mainframe, the missile being at a high fifteen thousand feet in the air and rapidly descending.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 14 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - Supercharge
Your typhoon has been armed with two stand-off cruise missiles deadly shadows, two anti-radar missiles alarm, 4 meteors and 2 asraams.