Harem Tales Part 3, A Tiger's Tale

For some strange reason, he doesn't think i can override nyseme when i can't see him." the jaguar closed his eyes, concentrating for a moment.

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Silvercobra Chronicles - Diplomatic Manuevering

I've seen syr'kan do an emergency override before, i'm sure he could open the captain's chambers that way." "considering that he's been untouched by the other master's goo slaves." taz scoffed.

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Ch 3 Starbase 11, Part 2: Battle for Time

It was a few more minutes before nate contacted him again "_okay lliam, i think i found the override.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 07

Trevor wanted to create an entopic override to force everyone to stay away from him, but it would register within the city's system and the presence of an orr would attract the media.

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Babysitter Blues Episode 1

She let out a pained gasp as her hymen broke, and kevin began messaging her insides until the pleasure slowly began to override the pain.

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Dark Origins: Kralken Four: Part 6 Old Business

She secured her flight harness then looked at him with worry as the ship moved onto the elevator pad that would take them to the surface, "you might be able to override the security systems and out run most of the ships in orbit, but we'll never out run the

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Walk A Mile: Citrus

"h-how do i override?" "you have to masturbate. my afterglow has been designed to trigger only by climax brought about by others.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 24: Next Steps

"can yeh override it, ser?" surresh smirked. "hmm... i find it humorous how, now that you want something suddenly i'm 'sir' again." "can yeh override it, yeh damn cat?!?" the tiger inputted the code. "yes."

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Disruptors Part 2

Please input manual override code."_ tsuméput a finger to her earpiece. "guys, no go - the door is locked shut. i can't open it from in here without an override key."

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Foxfyre, Part 3 (Magic Dystopia)

"computer," aurelias said, his voice bouncing in the vast vertical vestibule, "security override: omega five eta mu seven alpha." the female voice from before responded, "security override confirmed.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.13

All she had to do was press her fingertips to the scanner and say "crew override" and the door slid open. she scanned the room carefully, it was hard to believe the place had been lived in.

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Sayarra pulled back on the stick and pulled the cargo door release handle, overriding the objection of the computer that tried to stop her.

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