Gym Time for Yordles [PTRN]
rumble nodded along. "go on." ziggs eyes lit up. "yeah, but then they weren't!" a wave of puzzlement contorted rumble's expression. "excuse me?" "yeah, literally that. i'm not lying!"
Gym Time for Yordles [TSR]
All of the other humans using the dumbbells were noticeably large for their species, hogging some of the weights in the middle of the rack. Ziggs didn't inherently mind that fact, but he wondered if that would give him trouble in his makeshift...
Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 4
"okay," rumble bolted upright, "okay! that's actually great news. so how long is 'long'?" teemo bit his lower lip, rumble won't like his answer. "up to a couple days."
Ricky vs Barry [Birthday Rumble]
The grey and green-striped tiger made his way to the ring, excited for who he's going up against. He stood at 5ft. 11in. and weighed 175lbs. and had a lean build that only showed some muscle; it was enough to show he had some strength in him. He donned...
Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 5
Ziggs, rumble, and teemo formulate a plan to try and get their condition checked out.
Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 2
rumble proudly stood against the wall. ziggs inspected rumble's height in relation to the mark and nodded, it was exactly what he expected. "you have not grown an inch." "wait, really?!" rumble shouted in disbelief.
Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 3
He began to thrust upward into rumble. rumble, for his part, wasn't going to just let ziggs have all the fun.
Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 8
rumble pointed out. "exactly as i planned.
Superhero Stream Story 1: Rooftop Rumble
Rooftop rumble for heru by draconicon captain gamma ran over the rooftops as fast as his booted feet could carry him. it helped that his powers left him near weightless during the jumps, but even that only gave him so much speed.
Against All Odds: Part 34 - Rumbled
"firstly," the fox rumbled, tapping his finger so that the gold band around it rapped the table, "i hope it wasn't serious." nathan didn't quite know how to take that question, nor did he know of the genuinity behind it.
Desert Sands Chapter Two: Rumble In The Bedouin
Desert sands chapter two: rumble in the bedouin story and characters © michael .b ( max the wolf [ys] lt\_max\_w\_charger [fa] ) disclaimer: this story here
An Umbreon's Quest Chap 4 City Rumble
Just in case people have forgotten what the characters are. Nicarun-Umbreon, M Garomun-Flareon, M Keltorie-Jolteon, F Amadea-Espeon, F Enjoy It was afternoon and at last, we've made it to the city. I won't say its weird, but perhaps unique in its...