A Gay Lion King Parody 24
Tags: m/m, anal, nudity, naked, hard-on, erection, simba, parody, porn parody, angst, improvement, tease, hyena, lion, warthog, meerkat, series,
Jingle Bells, COPPA Locks
A christmas song jingle bells parody of coppa. last year, youtube complies with coppa marked "made for kids" content. i'll be posting to pixiv later. harshing through the internet and a child's account closed.
Lose Your Load (extended)
I wrote even more of this glorious/ridiculous "lose yourself" parody so i'm reposting it sorry not sorry his palms are sweaty knees weak, balls are heavy there's precum on his stomach already fuck, she's sexy he's wordless his nuts are churning,
QWERTY: Prologue
I'll just spoof her cookie data to reveal the pictures. the latest picture is of her with a german shepherd. 3 days ago. "love him xxx" was she cheating on casey? they seem to be holding each other close, but i can sense an air of awkwardness.
Tweet'n Donald
My latest musical political parody. i wish i could actually sing or record this shit.
Zootopia In-Depth Review
In an interview with slashfilm directors bryon howard and rich moore said they had originally pitched zootopia to the chief creative officer of pixar john lasseter, as a james bond spoof with anthropomorphic animals.
Henry Planter and the Philosopher's Dildo: Chapter 1
But the entire book will be parodied in some way. mr. and mrs. derby were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.
Furry Daikazoku
Itis a parody of the song "dango daikazoku" from the anime clannad. the lyrics were rewritten for the furry community. i really hope you enjoy it. i, in no way, claim any ownership of the original song or lyrics what-so-ever.
Introduction to The Lone and Level Sands Stretch Far Away
And the next thing i knew i'd written said summary as a sonnet and full-on parody of ozymandias.
Dinner and a Show
Think of "alien meets whatever porn parodies of alien that must surely exist," for the vibe. and to supplement, here's some pics that gnastystuff drew, relating to the story: https://twitter.com/gnastystuff/sta.....924582402?
Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 1
We're doing part three of our "harry potter" spoof?
(Corrupted Nursery Rhyme) Daddy Bear Picnic
. ;3if you want context as to what this is originally based on, it's essentially a corruption/parody of "teddy bear's picnic", written by john walter bratton, re-written to play into the gay concept of "bears".