White Pages
She sighed and walked to her wardrobe putting on a black skirt that touched her knees, white knee socks, a white long sleeved cotton shirt and her denim jacket.
Dream of White
." - oscar wilde _ **dream of white** _ _ **2010 by eldyran** _ snowflakes tickle my nose, and i wake from a dream of white. my eyelids crack open to the sight of stray flakes flying over a small snow bank.
White Out
My vision went white with pain for a moment before they focused back to whatever struck me.
The White Hall
The white hall i woke up in a white hallway with many doors. i started walking when i heard that voice owe that sweet voice.
White muscles
I start to moan, feeling the white, hot load until i can't stop. thrusting my cock into my head (somehow), i receive my worthy seed, swallowing like heck, white seed making its way out of my mouth and into my lower chest, balls and maybe my ass.
The White Room
He threw his hands up and looked up at the white ceiling. "really?!" cid examined the ceiling closely. "who.. are you talking to?" "no one! cid, what is the door for?"
That White Stuff
It only took a brief glance to notice the reddish cock, smaller then his but large still, peaking out of a white sheath.
An Essence of White
With a dark ocean away, i can easily find the white that stands out. when i look back at all that i have made, i see the small influence and imprint of your support. with every painted canvas, there is an essence of white.
Black and White
James is a black and white orca, standing at upwards of 7' and with the build that told you, "don't fuck with me or i will destroy you." that is to say he was muscular.
The White Ones
Nobody really knows why some are born as white ones, but that's how it is, and how it's always been. imagine my surprise when i woke up on the morning of my seventeenth birthday to find that i was gifted.
White Forest
white forest tiny flakes gently tap the ground, and cover the forest in velvet white. my feet make that crunching sound as i trudge forth through its light. the silver shine on every tree, lines a gentle blissful trail.
White Husky
The sun lit his brilliant white fur as he moved, tail swishing back and forth across his curvy rear, which was covered by a skin-tight pair of shorts, the denim ends frayed.