Pain - Fable Pt. 0

Her penthouse suite at cafe plaisir was everything the guide had said it would be; yet, despite the immense comfort and hordes of escapes and pleasures surrounding her, she could not shake this nightmare of her memories.

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To Eat A Mocking Bird

One of my dear friends, fa: darkviolet , writes in this universe of cafe plaisir. if ya want a rather flowery and pretty description, he's written one over on fa. (long story short?

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Service With a Smile

#1 of cafe plaisir solas is a special kind of waiter, he wears the green bowtie of cafe plaisir like a badge of naughty honor.

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #3 - Eclipse

"So, how big was it?" "The waterfall, or the hidden cave?" The two canines sat on a carefully crafted wooden bench in Café Plaisir's Inner Garden. It was early afternoon, and the high sun glinted off the vast, curved solar mirror high above them....

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #6 - Omen

**Omen** Canid moaned sleepily, batting the sheets with his paws. He turned his head, shuffling his body against the form behind him, and moaned again in resentment to his return from sleep. Bright orange light shone through his eyelids, and he...

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Plaisir - Short - Hentai Kyuubi - The Twins

**The Great Chai Hunt** _- For October Flixard_ They'd called them _tame._ Sinister and Dextus glared at the retreating backs of the women as they ran into the trees. The dark of the night shrouded them quickly, and their sounds began to slowly...

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Cafe Plaisir: The Lion and the Gryphon

#6 of cafe plaisir: post jaunt shorts wonderful, he thought, as the large, sharp grim shadow banked, turned in and began to circle. it was a grand dark bird, alright, not unlike a honchcrow, but it was also a big cat, kind of like a liepard.

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Café Plaisir: Shadow of Eclipse: Chapter 3

Colin called, "welcome to cafe plaisir! my name is-" "she can't understand you, colin!" chai said, then elaborated, "something about space magic timey-whimey bullshit, i don't know."

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Cafe Plaisir - Jack (Part 2)

#2 of cafe plaisir this is a direct sequel to my original cafe plaisir story, involving jack the typhlosion and a customer by the name of brad. if you'll recall at the end of the story, brad mentioned possibly bringing his female by to meet jack.

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 2 - First Lessons

#3 of café plaisir: october's jaunt finally outwitted, interplanar adventurer october flixard is now a ninetales indebted, contracted to work for cafe plaisir until his misdeeds have been compensated for.

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Plaisir - Short - Fire of the Gods

Café Plaisir: Fire of the Gods by October and Coldstone Adult: M/M Drunken revelry, questions on morality. Prometheus, Prometheus, he stole the fire from the gods. Prometheus, Prometheus, don't you know? That is MY job. October's eyes...

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