Cutting a deal

We entered and the smell of fresh food and ale was very appealing, this was not a low class bar. advancing on a table, a barmaid came over, "can i be getting you gals anythin- uh you know you have a wolf with you?" she asked.

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Heat at the office

The luxray looked at her, with his cold face staring at her, saying "are you sure you want my low class cock inside you, queen bitch?"

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The Origin of Max: Chapter Two: Dockside Vampires and Machines

How could he pass up such a large sum of money just for shutting down a machine shop and a few low class cyber units. it was going to be a cake walk for him or so he thought. " got yourself a deal. where is it at?" shela smiled.

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My girl is a boy part 11 - First Christmas together

Winsted didn't approve of his relationship with rin because she was of low class and a rodent. jake had told rin about her views but rin seemed to ignore it just as she ignored mrs. winsted almost undetectable glare. mrs.

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BioLab 2

That didn't mean they were low-class, far from it, biosyn made a good basic profit margin on keeping injured and sick people alive! lab two made whole organs to replace diseased or damaged ones.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 36

It gives away my low class upbringing." i flushed with embarrassment at the admission and the conversation paused awkwardly until nick thought of something to say. "it's not your fault, you can't help the way you were raised."

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Papa Bear-Squared

Their father would never approve of beat's plans, believing that clubs and low-class bars were beneath the grayharts, but big brother wouldn't give him away. beat already had it rough, so why not let him enjoy himself?

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His father was a hyena, a "pretty common low class peasant breed" as many of the nobles like to put it, but his mom was an eastern dragon, apart of the esteemed xin feng clan.

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The Birth of A Soul And The Discover of A Life Time

He had explained that this ware house was a low class venue and attracted only low class fighters. however, it was a stepping stone to cale's success.

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Hypnovember Day 11: On Display

The interior of the building made raschau dreadfully aware of how low class he was in comparison, a magnificent entrance with a chandelier overhead and black marble underfoot.

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Anthropia Chapter 5

Moon chastised as he forced his body to take a step back, the cold was making him sluggish and numbing his body, "i thought a low class like you would want to beat mein a real battle. you'll never be a noble with cowardly moves like this." he added.

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