Tales of Zootopia: Mara and Jem
Mara and jen were also both rather feminine, which, with people's bloody-minded insistence on holding onto stereotypes, meant that they could stay in the closet for a long time, especially if they pretended to be asexual.
Nova Wars 5: Starwing Station
asexuality. he wasn't so sure how to handle that in a slave, but he'd have to find a way around it.
Redwall - Fortune Favours the Bold - Oneshot
#12 of redwall stories in order to help his friends escape, otter known as "the mask" under the guise of patchcoat the fox, distracts the vixen seer fortunata anyway he knows how, including an act the asexual otter is hardly interested in... but to help his
Mind The Gap
You didn't create asexuality, you created a null space. and nature hates null spaces." the error was starting to become clearer to the scientists.
The evolution of pokémon
The dominate traits that males are nearly asexual with more caring then strength is the sign of modern breeding practices. the more docile pokémon gets to bread and the more aggressive are sterilized to inhibit reproduction.
Slave as an Identity
First, if was sexual orientation, with furs coming out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, and even asexual. then transgender furs made themselves know. then, transspecies.
Chapter 4: The Serpent Goddess of Morningwood
Many of the odd invading creatures had to be physically beaten down, however, as it seemed many of them were completely asexual, and thus immune to her magic.
The beginning story
Natasha wasn't asexual; she was drawn exclusively to fatties. true fatties, like the supersized bird-lady trying to watch her without looking like she was.
Thanks, Shrimp!
Perhaps it had something to do with the asexual nature of the marbled subspecies. something that evolved in symbiosis to promote genetic diversity.
Anthropomorphic Biology
Before i explain why this can't work, let me explain the difference between sexual reproduction, and asexual reproduction.
Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 5)
Corbin was a small fennec fox who hardly ever spoke and was as far as we knew: asexual, a virgin, timid and un-willing to have any kind of relationship above a friendship with anyone. corbin's eyes were always big, blue and sad.
Honest Chapter Two (Chaos)
Then there's ace, cuddle buddy for life he's asexual and a total dork. long dark brown hair and glasses, his wardrobe consists of khakis and t-shirts. but he can break hearts in a suit and pony tail, so he's not to be underestimated.