Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 9

_Well C4 won so here it is a hopefully explosive (sexually) addition to the story._ Aleoric looked uncertain as he stared at the naga. "What's your name, friend?" "Runo, I was just travelling in a caravan headed for Tor." The naga replied his hands...

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Camping in heat - commission

"Is it much further?" Paul moaned as he trudged after his father and new step father. "Just another hour and we'll be there buddy." Kyle the little rabbit's new tiger step father replied with as much enthusiasm as he could. The brown rabbit snorted...

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 8

_A1_ _B1111_ _C11111111111111_ _D111_ _Sneak attack by a fox barbarian and a giant polar mage it is._ The two scaled a nearby hill to get a vantage point on the camp, from there they could see the camp was a hub of activity. Aleoric counted at...

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Sex lies and polar bears

'The Chained Dog' was just a typical leather bar, it stank of stale beer, sweat and leather. Of course around me it also reeked of stale beer, sweat, leather, musky bear and cigar smoke. I scanned the throng, not as busy as most nights, Wednesdays...

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 7

_A11111_ _B111111_ _C1111111111111111_ _D_ _1_ _2 1_ _3 1_ _4 11_ _5 1_ _6 1111_ _7 111111111111111111_ _For those who need reminding C is to go fight the goblins and 7 is to let the fox choose what sex act happens at night._ Aleoric...

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Orca Heat

Orca Heat Paul yawned and stretched as his alarm went off. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes the rabbit grasped and found his glasses and placed them on his nose. They were small square lenses which his mate insisted were cute. As the blonde rabbit...

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Heat 13

Heat 13 John yawned as he climbed out of his car, it was an early morning and it was promising to be a long day for the human. He hated what he had to do today and right now he hated Eric for putting him in this position. Shaking his head he got rid...

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Tales of Furlingas- choose your own story text adventure part 6

_I didn't need to count as it was almost unanimously D_ Aleoric growled softly and as the lead equine threw the battleaxe to his friend the bear stepped forward into the ring. "Give it back to him, you've had your fun." The lead equine turned and...

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Tales of Furlingas- choose your own story text adventure part 5

_A1111111111111111111_ _B1_ _C11_ _Runo111111_ _Kenia1111111111111111_ _Well pretty clear there nobody can resist a commotion._ Aleoric started heading towards the market his stomach rumbling a little, he wanted to get his shopping done just...

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Tales of Furlingas- choose your own story text adventure part 4

A B 111111111111111 C 11111111111 D E 1111 B wins Aleoric stared at the fox for a moment and then glanced over at the two orcs, all of whom were looking at him expectantly. The bear felt hot under his robe and he could feel his erection starting...

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What's your name again?

Breakfast in hotels, something I have grown far too used to. The usual buffet, waitresses still bleary eyed and guests of every shape size and story even more bleary eyed. As an avid observer of humanoid behaviour I love breakfast in hotels you can...

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Tales of furlingas- choose your own adventure part 3

Aleoric shook himself free from his shock and crouched at the side of the road watching the figures as they got nearer. The poor fox was being dragged by the orcs, stumbling and falling, the earth of the road further staining his fur. The vulpine was...

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