Electric Touch: Chapter 18 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

Now, articuno and rotom were the only active pokémon on the battlefield.

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Evidently, the section has as objective the maximum flexibility and mobility on the battlefield.


Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 10 (A Question of Honor)

At the same time, natascha became again visible, this time she was standing in the middle of the battlefield or better said a bit away of it but still inside the field.

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Plot of Mission Earth

Erik comes from the opposite side of the battlefield emptying his rounds on the mysterious being and ends up without ammo.

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Ch 10

\*\*\*back on the battlefield\*\*\* i watched as jackson became enraged and headed towards the monster at incredible speed. "mega kick!" he shouted as he jumped in the air. "slash!"

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Make Way for Jay! Ch 10

_\*\*\*back on the battlefield\*\*\*_ i watched as jackson became enraged and headed towards the monster at incredible speed. "mega kick!" he shouted as he jumped in the air. **_"slash!"

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.38 - An Evolutionary Battle Pt.2)

Soon, both pokemon came out skidding across the battlefield towards their trainer and gym leader. right in the center of the battlefield was a large crater that was formed from both pokemon made when falling to the ground. "latios!" "geodude!"

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Laced With Poison

The first thing he noticed was the foggy battlefield set out before him. statue of different sizes surrounded the battlefield, and they all looked oddly familiar.

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Remembrance: Chapter 1

His life consisted of traveling from one battlefield to another, and nothing has ever changed to this day. he had taken the lives of countless enemy troops, and witnessed the deaths of countless comrades on the battlefield.

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D.E1 Chapter 56: Lost in Nightmares

Judging by how difficult it was for them to get past not only by the battlefield, but the machine's main fleet made him fear the worse for his brother. if they didn't do anything, they would be dead.

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