Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep03

The towering feline's burly chest showed off a heavy set of hard muscles, his pecs so large and buffed, with his brawny powerful arms so thick and ripped, attached to a pair of sturdy round shoulders, as her eyes instinctively trailed down to check his sexy

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The arkatian looked into my eyes, patting me on my left shoulder, and the red coated guards dragged adam and uriel from the front with two other buffed up red guards equipped with light machine guns.

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Finding Home

The actual floor and ceiling a white cobble stone sanded down and buffed for a smooth shine. "alecia... this all looks too clean; i think there's a trap up ahead be careful i am going to head up."

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Model Behavior

"so bigger, non-buffed furs don't wear clothes?" "of course, but..." "but...?" the beagle prompted. "the clothes... they got to be less and less, and then the underwear, and kenny, and that big lion i saw the other day, and everything is all...

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Sultra: Dark Apocalypse Chapter 4

The creature was like human structure but it was really buffed up and its arm on the right, it doesn't even have an arm it has a giant axe and it has no hair, it only has torn up pants and it has sharp claws on the other hand.

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Chapter 22

He buffed his nails on his chest fur and studied them nonchalantly. ". . . _reputation._" yzlo groaned. "alright, boy, that's enough. your pussy hunting is nothing to be proud of. you should hang your head in shame." "yes, sir . . ."

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Dragon Heart: Greydor Story 3

Answered the dragon buffing his chest out. "listen to me my brothers and sisters!" he wiped his head around to the group. "we all knew that drake loved saira, and that she hated him. but the moment this bastard laid with her nothing good had come of it!

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Momentary Equals.

As he rinsed the drool, cum and sweat and buffed away any sign of the previous nights passion his body ached for release. he rested against the cold concrete wall of the garage and ran one hand over the hardness of his knotted cock.

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One night

I now was no more no less but anthropomorphic wolf, around 7'2'' tall, not super-buffed like many people think werewolves are, but still quite athletically built, but with slightly fat belly - so, overall constitution was pretty much same as my human form

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Past Life Ch 4

"that buffed lion becomes your father!?" dean gaped. "are you sure your head's okay?" "i'm totally fine," jeremiah chuckled. dean immediately sat close to the fox and placed a paw on his forehead. "w-what're you doing?"

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Farm Maid

She buffed their hooves and polished their beaks. she painted the chickens' claws and styled the roosters' feathers. "that rooster is on fire," she thought. she even she returned to be barn and ordered new animals.

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Hive Ch. 2

He could smell the purfume she was using, and the soap she'd used, even the faint acidic tang of her scale buffing cream. and above all that, he now knew exactly why she had approached him. she was horny.

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