Austin's secret island

The excited alien pushed his member more deeply making that the inflatable creaks loudly and explode violently, making a big explosion and flooding the alien in his own cum.

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Indigo Fire: Rescuing the Royal, P1

Indigo received the explosive, a bit confused as to why they were carrying these things in the first place. indigo rolled a bit more onto the van as another spray of bullets sparked into the van's frame.

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BLACKMAIL - Chapter 12

#13 of blackmail - a sonadow story d: **chapter 12** a big explosion pushes sonic and shadow to the floor; making them break the kiss and look around in nervousness. "what the?"

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The nuclear explosion would have been more than enough to turn anyone inside of the compound to ash before they knew what was happening. any other flora or fauna beyond that would have been cooked to a crisp mere moments later.

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The Emporium of Curious Goods 1: Sympathetic Plushies

One more and he swore he was going to explode. the poor raven heard the music above dying down, but was unable to cry for help, to yell to jeremy to stop.

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Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Main Ending

Chesterfield saw the young filly's body fly backward with the force of exploding mammaries. quickly she squinted her eyes as she saw breast-shrapnel fly at her, bracing to be hit by what she imagined would be blobs of organic matter.

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Chapter 2 - The First Explosive Experience

Eric had never felt such an explosive pleasure in his life. the amount of cum he had released should have been enough to fill an empty bottle..

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soup kitchen dog brain explosion!!

"It was a last ditch effort, my only gun left. The man was still screaming as I " SCCRRRRRRRRCHH! I turned the radio off, nothing to listen to in the bible belt of the great USA. Every radio program recounted elaborate situations of falling from gods...

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Chapter 4 -- Explosion from Heaven

I flailed my arms and legs wildly while my father squeezed his huge perfect foot against my penis, and i felt and watched it practically explode.

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Explosions and Shouting or My Time in Limbo

I woke up to shouting and gunfire, hot brass falling into the sand next to me as my ears continued to ring from the explosion. i saw staff sergeant swift laying muzzle first in the sand.

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Tom’s Story – Repression Leads to Explosions

Tom's story - repression leads to explosions _del-bird_ remember: you must be at least 18 years old and not offended by m/m sexual intercourse to read this story.

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Bomb and Claw: Harboring an Explosive Thief

He wondered if perhaps he had packed too much powder into those explosives, his charred left ear a testament to just how wild he could get with his pyrotechnics.

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