A Toy's Feast

He muttered quietly, wagging and pivoting to use one rounded paw to lift the cover from the pool's filter.

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The Fog

Soon the smell of smoke began to filter in to the otherwise sterile environment. adam's heart sank. his world was coming to an end again.

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Leviathan Chapter Ten: The Splashers

Daughters began to range in size from the massive whale-like filter feeders whom leviathan fed upon down to daughters little larger than a herring.

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Hide and Seek

The cool autumn air filtered thru the windows as the curtains fluttered in the cold breeze, casting fluttering shadows of the light of the crescent moon.

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Tune Up

Insult was added to injury when the filter fell from the car and splashed into the pan, splattering the teenager in black oil. it was a good thing he wore old clothes, he mused silently.

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Guardian Blue: Who Writes This?! - Chapter 2

filters, there's gotta be filters... i don't have to _start_ with a brain full of a teenaged buck's fantasies." she laughed to herself. she found a filter element on the site and employed it against the tag "intercourse".

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Capital Value

I fit the second filter back in and turn to see the kangaroo now standing with her arms crossed, tail thwacking the dirt.

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Stakes in Space (Otherwise Untitled)

We should go to westlake shipyards, and figure out who just sold those scrappers clean shipping manifests for a batch of power filter coils."

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 10

The nanocyte filter would not help me, at all; it was designed simply to filter out the dangerous components of pandora's atmosphere so that i could respire safely within it.

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Why Wait?

Turning the filters off, kitchener listened to his surroundings. only a few quiet whimpers and sounds of ragged breathing reached him. he winced and filtered out the last again. they made his chest cramp.

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Jamie's Latex Grove

He felt around the front of the mask and found a pill-shaped filter as round as a coffee cup but only one third as deep. it was sticking out of his plugged mouth. he could feel two tubes running from the base of the filter up to his nostrils.

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Dire Action (Part 3/3)

The doctor retrieved what appeared to be a transparent version of a men's athletic supporter, but with tubes connecting it to a cylindrical filter.

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