Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 1.5)
#2 of wrong bride, right groom this is my very first story, and i would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom.
Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 1)
#1 of wrong bride, right groom this is my very first story, and i would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom.
Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Traveling Trinity
#8 of wrong bride, right groom hey there all you happy and or horny furrs out there. i have finally completeled the most recent chapter to my series in hopes that any of you still even remember what it was about. whihc leads me into a small apology about
In Mother's Closet: A Proper Stud
She hadn't been groomed and made up, but she had still been beautiful in a way that defied words.
Commission - Queen of Fools - Part 2
Although kiara was proven to groom his genitals quite efficiently, she was finding the taste very strong and strange, her body feeling almost fizzy and excited by the smell at the same time as she felt slightly sickened.
Joining the Centaur's Harem e-book teaser
"i'm going to take off the ropes from your arms now," the groom said. she undid the ropes around sierra's arms and sierra rubbed at where the ropes had chafed. the groom also took off the leash and sierra took a few steps out of the groom's reach.
Fodders' Delivery [Preview]
"go in the grooming pod and don't worry about it." wayne nodded. "right." before going on shift they had to wash themselves. more than just their hands in their line of work of course.
In Transition
Disclaimer: These stories are purely works of fiction. Nothing is meant to represent actual events that happened or will happen. No part of this is ever supposed to be replicated in real life. As adults, we're responsible for distinguishing between...
Maiden Mare
The groom returned, and this time he had the familiar halter and lead that made her ears flick straight up in the air.
Volunteer Training
They would eventually wind up in a grooming room - the vixen lifted up onto the table as hands started to pass over her body - examining her as more droning filled the room. she was too out of it to care, though.
Comanche, A Loving Tribute to an Old Warhorse
For a few seconds the groom raised his head and looked around, then returned to his old friend's body, but somehow the old groom felt strangelycomforted.
Taking of Magic: New Generation
He had about six inches on any given side as the grooms were able to stand back once it was erected.