As he finished the assurance, his jaws parted, wider than the mustelid had ever seen his friend's mouth open.
Belly, Digestion, Dik-dik, Fat, Ferret, Jackal, No-Yiff, Nudity, Reformation, Sentient fat, Sentient pudge, Size Difference, Vore (soft), Vore Tattoo
If he were to conquer the american mustelid alpha title and the $250,000 cash prize, mcknight would help pay off his parents' debts and try to better his concert production crafts.
Action, Badger, Beech marten, Biographies, Bios, Character Development, Clean, Fisher, Grison, Mink, Muscle, Muscles, Mustelid, Otter, Polecat, Reality Show, Skunk, Story Series, Tayra, Television, cast, challenge, competition, marten, reality tv, slice of life, tv show
No longer smiling, the mustelid's features were now locked in shock with his mouth agape in a silent scream.
Castration, Cock And Balls Torture, Demon, Ferret, Fighting, Lion, M/M, Male, Neutering, Orgy, Pain, Rape, Rat, Violence, ballbusting
#26 of american mustelid alpha
the gang is back from tampa and ready to go for another round of action!
Alpha, Alpha Male, Ama, American Badger, American Mustelid Alpha, Anger, Badger, Beech marten, Character Development, Clean, Drama, Endurance, Ermine, European otter, European polecat, Ferret, Giant Otter, Hog Badger, Honey badger, Hotties, Hyena, Least weasel, Leather, Muscle, Muscles, Mustelid, Mustelidae, Mustelids, Otter, Polecat, Reality Show, Reality television, Schott, Schott NYC, Share the load, Stamina, Stoat, Strength, Tattoo, Tattoos, Team challenge, Television, Weasel, angry, captain, challenge, clothes, competition, confrontation, furry, hunks, marten, muscular, reality tv, reward, slice of life, strategy, studs, tv show
#22 of american mustelid alpha
after the first elimination, it's now clear to everyone what's at stake in american mustelid alpha.
Alpha, Alpha Male, Ama, American Badger, American Mustelid Alpha, Badger, Beech marten, Beefcakes, Captains, Capture the flag, Character Development, Clean, Ermine, European otter, European polecat, Ferret, Fighting, Giant Otter, Hog Badger, Honey badger, Hotties, Least weasel, Mustelid, Otter, Polecat, Reality Show, Selection, Stoat, Story Series, Team challenge, Television, Tempers, Weasel, Wolverine, Wrestling, challenge, competition, confrontation, furry, hunks, marten, reality tv, sea otter, slice of life, studs, tv show
The emperor looked down at the trembling tayra and noticed something trying to poke up from underneath the mustelid's loincloth.
the jaguar growled. "you're insane.
Anal, Ball Fondling, Balls, Blowjob, Cock, Cum, Domination/Submission, Feline, Fellatio, Jaguar, M/M, Male, Male/Male, Mammal, Mesoamerican, Multiple Species, Mustelid, Oral, Pacha the Tayra, Size Difference, Story Progression, Story Series, Sub, Tayra, begging, cock ring, dom, semen
The mustelid squirmed in discomfort. despite the lube, the thick head was rubbing his insides raw. but the increased friction only seemed to make yauri want to hump harder.
Adult, Adult Content, Anaconda, Anal, BDSM, Balls, Blowjob, Bondage, CBT, Character Development, Cock, Cock And Balls Torture, Consensual, Cougar, Cuckolding, Cum, Deep Penetration, Deep Throat, Deep Thrust, Dick, Double-Penetration, Erection, Feline, French Kissing, Gay, Hemipenis, Humping, Interspecies, Jaguar, Jordan halsted, Kissing, Loincloth, M/M, M/M/M, Male, Male/Male, Mammal, Mesoamerican, Missionary, Multiple Species, Mustelid, Penis, Plot Development, Puma, Reptile, Series, Sex, Size Difference, Snake, Snow shepherd, Story Progression, Story Series, Tayra, Tongue, caiman, cloaca, cock ring, historical fiction, slit, tapir
Blacksad was on cloud nine when the mustelid's mouth enveloped his aching tool.
Blacksad, Blowjob, Cat, Cock, Dick, Fellatio, Gay, Growth, Male, Muscle, Muscle Growth, Muscles, Weasel, muscular, weekly
As soon as the badger took his paws away, he was hit with the bigger mustelid's scent, thick and warm, but thankfully not over powering.
Badger, Cum, Friendship, M/M, Mustelid, Oral, Otter, Size Difference
Waiting until the mustelid unclenched his body, blacksad carefully slid the bomber jacket off and onto the bed, revealing a long-sleeved shirt that contoured around the photographer's newly-gained beef.
Blacksad, Blowjob, Cat, Cock, Dick, Fellatio, Gay, Growth, Male, Muscle, Muscle Growth, Muscles, Weasel, muscular, weekly
"there always is, my lord, of course." the mustelid acknowledged quickly, nodding his head like the loyal fool he was.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader driven
The mustelid snapped his jaws shut without thinking and swallowed more intently than before.
Bathtub, Belly, Dik-dik, Endosoma, Fat, Ferret, Flirtation, Full tour, Jackal, Male, Male/Male, No-Yiff, Nudity, Size Difference, Teasing, Vore (soft), endo, possessive