Home Sweet Farm 2: Mecha Warrior

Then a loud and obnoxious voice came over the speakers. "you better got it remember what happened last time!" mallory yelled. "i know don't remind me." "you almost got your ass blown to pieces!" "i know geez!" she exhaled.

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Story Concept 1 (ASU)

He smiled up at the obnoxious and loud welcome sign, feeling a sense of pride of finally becoming a freshman in college. alton lontra had a reddish-rust color fur, with a crème underside.

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Zedpocalypse Chapter 1: Finding out the truth

Screw that, i wanted a loud, obnoxious diesel truck with big power. i was planning to head up to spokane, washington to check the scene and hopefully find my dad.

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My roommate's a werebeast

He laughs obnoxiously." "he can't help the hyena-laughing!" we all had our share of arguments related to my roommate's quirk. "whoa, you look really tired..." "your howling and snarling kept me up last night."

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Heated Vacation

"probably not," ember replied, "but i'm pretty sure no pony would have been as obnoxious as that... ahhh, that's the stuff~" she said as she sunk a bit deeper into the lava.

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Track and Field: Part I

He grinned and walked over to the table with our obnoxiously orange water-cooler sitting atop it. trevor shrugged as i turned to him confused, and we both followed behind the husky not knowing what to expect.

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Sages, Chapter 2: Days of War, for the Past's Fallen Soldiers

The obnoxiously talkative crowd quickly quieted down. the general wore a long, black coat with a bright gold badge on the collar that certified his rank, as well as a black forage cap.

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Penalty Shot: Yellow and Peach (1)

It's like he wants to see me let loose and show off like another obnoxious person.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 70: Bloody Evolution

As much as i considered it obnoxious, frustrating even, it was hardly surprising at the circumstances where the 'overview' consistently and repeatedly miscalculated the population numbers.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 10: Birds

"it's kind of obnoxious," embryo observed. "yeah, that's the one that woke me up." summit admitted.

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Leonard Wolfe Biography

If children aren't involved that aren't in his family he'd far rather let someone else deal with them tending to find children annoying and obnoxious. is shy towards certain things and sensitive to his emotions.

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Prologue Two: Introducing Nathan Grenier

Any further digging had been met with smug silence and eventually the roo had given up on prying any further information from his obnoxious sibling. at any rate it didn't matter right now.
