Dressed To Party
The options were scarce when dan went to get them outfits for the party, so he took the only team outfit- one single outfit for all four of them! their outfit was a chinese dancing dragon!
Wolf Spider by Vallhund
God i love this costume.
Hail to the Chief
They had been invited to a costume party downtown, yet they were unable to buy (or make) a costume that was good enough for them both.
The problem with the lion costume
Especially when some idiot brings a lion to the costume party. there was a problem with the lion costume. a couple of problems, actually. the first problem was that the lion costume had an actual lion in it. a tame lion, mind you.
10. "Costumed Entertainment"
Undead costumes that produced skeletons running around orgrimmar, ghost costumes, nothing seemed appropriate.
Halloween: Costume TF Story
I then went back to my room and picked up the costume "let's see how this is going to work" i said to myself, and i put on the costume.
Changing at the Last Minute
"renzyl, may i see that costume?" ryan asked, pointing out to a maroon and black dragon costume. "ah, you have excellent tastes." renzyl replied as he took the large, shiny costume off of the rack.
Changing at the Last Minute
So he and his buddies hopped in his car and began to search for some costumes, any costumes if they weren't sold out. "damn it, that's the third store that had shit for costumes."
Pranks and Possession
Teasing pleasure from the costume overwhelmed him, and he relaxed just enough for the costume to slide up his body.
Costumes From the Catalogue
Much larger costume that after they pulled it out appeared to be a two-piece dragon costume.
That BIG Oops
A sign posted in the dressing room admonishes the same idea; it boldly requests the customer trying on a costume must strip naked before getting into the costume of their choice.
Clubbing on a full moon
A beautiful werewolf costume with an egyptian motif was in the doorway before making it's way inside, absolutely pitch black fur and with the gold accents on his costume made them amazing looking.