Fatal Radiance - Chapter 7

Much to their surprise however two men, a bull and a fox, dressed in togas were standing there with blades in their hands. "cornelian and otho, what are you doing here?"

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The big wolf gathered his toga around him, giving the assembled group a haughty look but otherwise not deigning to acknowledge the assembly. _fools. eunuchs the lot of them!.

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Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter Five

The tent at the front of his toga raised a point in favor of staying, however. caught in the tension, he kept watching. on the bed, his friends' lovemaking heated to a steamy pace.

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The Greek's Arrival

As the feathers reached the man's clothes, they vanished to be replaced by a silk toga which was lined with golden silk.

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Hypnovember 23 - Villain

The cave featured a bedroll of the finest linens, a writing desk, intricately detailed togas that hung up on the wall, and, in the center of the room, a figure. his target.

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The Red Baron chapter 1

The wolf suddenly stood up and quickly took off his thong and toga, showing himself naked. standing before me, nermis showed up in all his beauty.

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Leather bracers, leather boots, capped with steel, a red linen cloth is wrapped around the chain-mail. he pulled your long brown hair into a pony-tail, tie it off and adorned his father`s armor, he wrapped the red linen around his chain-mail shirt like a toga

The Voice of the Crane

To most people alexi was just a spoiled brat in a toga. this had to be his father's doing. his son was already twenty; the kid should be doing something of worth by now. the old man probably got his son some kind of appointment.

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Filling the Role - Part 2

His muscled body was clearly on display, and the short toga he was wearing for his costume was obviously chosen so that the lion could show off his impressive form. "don't you mean this kind of meat?" charley teased.

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Diversia - Chapter One - False Peace

He exclaimed, placing a determined step forward, his long white toga blowing about in the newly realesed air.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twenty-Two.

I was polite as i could be and though i probably looked like a freak in the sorang/toga with a bad stubble, it didn't mean i had to be rude to someone that could drink my blood.

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