A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 5.

Darkness falls across my mind as i slip into a deep and unloved sleep. * * * **_my thanks go to drafty the suffolk punch for his continuing friendship, help and support with the writing of this story.....trot on bud, trot on._**

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This may be a simple choice for humans, but it is not however easy for an uneducated and unloved pokémon. as he started to walk away he felt her stir, "please, help..." the kadabra turned around and looked at her, she was cute.

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By My Side

unloved. it wasn't that i didn't have suitors, for i had many of those. they'd come to my manor bearing gifts. but the ones who could get past my ghastly appearance would give up after the first date. the powell inheritance was just not worth it.

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By My Side

unloved. it wasn't that i didn't have suitors, for i had many of those. they'd come to my manor bearing gifts. but the ones who could get past my ghastly appearance would give up after the first date. the powell inheritance was just not worth it.

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A New Outlook (CTF)

Lying back against his bed, razz just let his hands idly wander beneath his heavy orbs, panting in exhaustion as his fingers explored his unloved nether lips.

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But she was more curious, more thirsty for answers than ever, and she realized her curiosity was hurting nkwe, that it was making him feel unappreciated and unloved. she wished there was something she could say to assure him that she loved him too.

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For Better or for Worse - Chaps. 1-2

I felt pathetic, worthless, and unloved. the tears came fast. i tried to hold them back, but i just couldn't.


Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.1

Case of them being a teen, and quite a few were youngsters who felt like they don't belong because of their species, or breed, or class, or gender, or the way they suffered from depression, or they were gay or lesbian or whatever it was that drove their unloving

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My Little Mashup 16 - Wounds

Left to stew overnight, luna rationalized madly, and succeeded more in 'determining' that her sister was unloving and unfair and generally wrong, than in detecting her own errors. and in the morning, she did not let the sun up.

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll. Episode One: A dream come true.

I am unlovable. or better yet, i am not worthy of a second date." he shook his head. "it is too early to think about this dammit! you have a book to write." devlin was a book writer. he had written three books already.

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Vagabond - Chapter 7 + Epilogue

He's gay, and i've been a total jerk in the past, like, make him feel hated, and unloved, and-" [me] "oh, yeah, he'll fucking hate you." [sarah] "that's the last thing he needs to hear!" [marko] "i'm just being honest!

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The loss of a loving Mother

You feel unsafe, unloved and hurt... but when the wind blows you know that i'm with you.... holding you close to keep you safe and warm... so be brave little one for i'm here now to keep you safe from anything...

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