The Watch Thief
Edwin slipped the watch onto his wrist and covered it with his shirt sleeve. edwin pocketed the envelope full of notes, gently swung the safe door closed and made for the exit.
Window Watching
Once that time arrives where she goes to sleep, he watches her undress and goes to bed. rinse and repeat for every day during his summer vacation.
The Watching Mare
Sure, it was normal for couples but no one wanted to be watched like that! and then it all became clear, the pieces of the puzzle slotting perfectly together.
Raz Drakken
Chapter 5 The Funeral of Zor Zallerferd Raz felt sick and could not believe what he had just heard as his eyes grew wide and looked at General Whirlwind. "NO! This cannot be! IT CANNOT BE!" Raz shouted as he started glowing red and slammed his fists...
Raz Drakken
At first, raz had trouble getting used to the watch and his new ability, because he would either go over the allotted time or have to reset the watch or he his power would not work at all.
Raz Drakken
When i say ten seconds, i mean that is how long i have set the watch to allow you to go, because if you go any longer than that. the watch will not be able to help you control your time ability."
Raz Drakken
Give me some room and watch the master of fire." raz said as blew out a little more fire then he intended. "hey! watch what you're doing. you almost caught my tail on fire." buckner said as the others laughed.
Kyubis new pet
Kyubi was walking along the sidewalk enjoying the nice weather. Out of the corner of his eye he spots a cute yokai. It was komasan eating an ice cream cone. he stares in amazement of her beaughty. He chuckles when a drop of ice cream drips on her...
Yo-kai Specs 9: Bang-a-kai
The watch announced. nate spun around as the summon began, and a wave of yellow magic poured out of the watch. as expected, the catchy summoning song began. "boo-shiggy, boo-shiggy, boogie woogie!"
Yo-kai Specs 5: The Mysterious Yo-kai Specs
He's the man in town who does repair work on the yo-kai watch." "yes, yes ..." mr. goodsight nodded. "although for some reason, yo-kai have always said that i invented the watch itself.
Bobby 05 - Achievement
Can we watch them?" "sure," bobby said, and lum ran out of the attic. he looked at the trail of dust left in his wake. "okay, i guess we are watching them now," he chuckled.
Waterlogged - Watery Truth
I stood back, away from the pillar I had just been reading, and turned to the old figure slouched on the ground nearby. He was breathing raggedly, his voice the only sound that could be heard. The only sound, besides the drizzle of water falling from...