Café Plaisir: Elegantly Purposeful Susu
Most especially fighting types and i dare say, more especially those from our own homeland." that gave susu pause for thought.
Dragons for Christmas
As a result, max ended up turning to be a much smarter kid than some would expect a fighting-type to be.
Sex Portals! For Science! Part I
I looked over at the other fighting-type pokemon, smiling as i took a minute to wind down myself before i moved on to the next female... to be continued in part ii
My New Best Friend Chapter 10: A Fantastic Gym Match!
The injured fighting type was placed on a small sweater jade was carrying. the crew waited a few moments to see if he could breath on his own, which obviously he couldn't.
We can Coincide Chapter 1: Sixteenth Birthday
"we planned on, well i planned on you getting a fighting type for your sweet sixteenth." "wait dad you want me to get a fighting type? "isn't that the complete opposite of what mom wanted?"
Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt40
She had been the only one of those before and after evolving, the other member was a blaziken, a fire/fighting type who were by nature not exactly very sociable unless it was breed season where both males and females would congress in clearings and fight to
Locker Room After Hours: Prologue
The fighting type was nearly undefeated in almost a year's run at the league, every single one of her victories ending in a ruined male across from her.
The Abandoned Mine
Gritting his teeth together again, the fighting-type let out a sharp moan, body starting to twitch and spasm with orgasm. "c-cum...!"
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Ten
He instantly felt how when his energy met that of the fighting type energy, it was shredded, pulverized into nothing like a buzzsaw to wood. just like how an actual rock may be broken to tiny bits by the fierce punch of a fighting type.
A Medicham's Enlightenment
The fantasy drew her over the brink and she got up, lifted him up with her surprising strength of a fighting type pokemon and threw him against the sofa.
Looking after Machoke
All three of them were whooped with ease from the fighting type. poor golem was still mostly flattened from a series of downward arm thrusts, and rhydon and tyranitar were no match for his vital throws.
Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 13
Grovyle took the lead this time, launching a heavily drained leaf storm at the fighting type. sheena side stepped out of the way, just in time for kyo to aqua jet towards her.