Target XY

Some days, I wondered how I ever survived during gym class. Heck, as far as I knew, none of my powers were useful in the practice of "Deathball". All I had was speed and intelligence which was, put bluntly, not exactly the most useful of traits to have...

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Spice of Life

Bedsprings creaked as a light, feathered form sat down on them, the owner of those feathers sighing as he lay down. Morning light was seeping through his window but it might as well...

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We two: something to tell you

The second in the series enjoy =P : warning this story contains CAPS! -\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/ Just to make things easier, what Ed says is in blue and what Lucas says is in Red, just makes it easier to read AND easier to write =P (and anyone else...

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Duty, Chapter 4

**Duty** **Chapter 4** By: David C. Henry ("Ahndeleck") Cellista dropped before Motungo's den. She hadn't expected him to be awake since he usually slept a little past dawn. She was happy to see him laying on the rocky...

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The Woodland Visitor Supplemental #1: The Cane

I've been asked several times about the significance of the cane. Reading back through I found that I skipped over what I had written about the cane. Ok well shoot me. I done [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) up. Oh well, I can...

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Chapter 1: Purchase

The flickering of the dull orange streetlight lent an eerie glow to the filthy street. Sheets of newspaper blew in the warm, stale wind, steam drifted up from the manholes, and the air was muggy and thick with sweat and despair. Nothing green was in...

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Dragon... shy? 5

Nach einem warmen, vegetarischen Essen, gingen Fluttershy; ein Ponymädchen mit gelben Fell und pinke Frisur und gleichfarbigen Schweif; und Kevin; ein weißgeschuppter Drachenjunge mit blonden, stacheligen Haaren; den Weg durch die Straßen der Stadt...

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Fated Encounter

The lycan struggles to stay conscious for as long as it could, or at least until he could get itself somewhere safe. He leaps from building to building, always with careful none the less to stay in the dark. The black furred werewolf who goes by the...

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Paranormal Lake House (part 1)

Joyce and Michael were in their house as he laid on the couch. The muscular 6'5" greyfox glanced over to Joyce, who stood at 5'4", J cup size and an attractive body for a coon. They've been together since middle school, seventh grade to be exact, as he...

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As October laid down in his bed, he felt Lexi's arm wrap around him. She had insisted on sleeping next to him, and he didn't feel like complaining. Besides, he had too much to do, and so little time to do it in. He waited until the three drifted off,...

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The Death Sentence

A thirty year old feline woke up in the dead of night to a cracking sound, as if someone had broken into his apartment. He reached under his pillow and grabbed his knife before throwing off the blankets. His body was muscular, and his fur a light...

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Start a new life 10

Kapitel 10: Missverständnis Der erste Weihnachtstag fing wohl gesonnen und entspannt an. Ich stand auf und versuchte Cynder, die neben mir im meinem Bett schlief, nicht zu wecken. Es war noch sehr früh â€" 9:00 Uhr morgens zeigte die Uhr an...

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