Other World Chapter 7

If he had heard right, the leader of the gemini would be going out to see the night life within the city, which means he may hit up a couple of the various clubs which would give him a better possibility to strike unnoticed.

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Solis Part 7

Neon lights and traffic whites shined below, a city of night life humming and buzzing. the last of the guests left, slightly intoxicated and heading to their lifts home.

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[Short] The Police of Paradise

And i thought, well i thought i would check out the night life and i guess, i guess you could say that i had a bit too much--" as i ramble on, the officer, grey in fur, circles around me.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 25

Enjoy~ august 24th: night life the nature, always green and unspoiled. the cicadas are singing cheerfully. the light wind gently rustling the trees. the river flowing its own way.

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Even Saints Sin Chapter 1- A Rude Interlude

The building itself was old, already lasting the third world war, it was a small warehouse, repainted and remodeled by the son of a wealthy business magnate who wanted to add to the night life in the very heart of lancaster city.

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Trent's Scenario

"oh yes, trent, i know about your night life. i even know..." - and another picture slid across on the clothesline - "...where you dumped the bodies when you were finished with them." trent furrowed his brow in confusion.

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Life is still the same in many aspects, the only real change is the increase of sexual activity amongst this new age of animal like ignominies, making the night life the peak of the day.

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Open Season Chapter 04: Welcome To Seattle

Want to come by and check out the night life?" i asked, rubbing her back. "sure, might be fun." she said through a languid stretch. "i've got to update my web page, reprogram my cell phone, order new cards and scout out the local music scene.

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A Night to Remember

The impala had the sort of pleasant, gentle buzz that came from just the right amount of booze, not a drop too little or too much, and he was smiling as he wandered through town, listening to snippets of conversation between others out enjoying the night-life

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Advent, Chapter 2-Spree

The clouds blurred everything, but the shimmering lights of a night life soon emerged. i descended further and further, into the veins of the city, the streets where there was bound to be a good deal of fodder for destruction.

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Radio Reindeer Vixen

Enjoy the night life. maybe even meet some of the locals to talk to." the feline ears pulled back as the face turned to look down. harley's tail pulled close, the cat taking a hold to squeeze and twist on it. "i don't know vixen.

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The teacher's Assistant part 1

His parents knew he was gay and enjoyed the night life, and they were comfortable with the fact that he was gay. he smiled at the prospect of many hot students that might want to have a night out with him, or quite possibly, a night in.
